B4PEACE: HUMANITY i Love YOU – Guerilla Gardener in South Central LA

Thank you Tomas, yet another sign of the inner revolution. Where people are taking back their power and transforming their own communities at the (literal) grass roots level. How awesome and inspirational is this! I love it, hope this movement goes viral and people become more independent and ecologically self sustaining. LOL, I may just stay in Rio and start planting my own garden! 😀 ♥♥♥ Excellent post Tomas!

New Earth Heartbeat

PeaceI present to you the work of one man in South Central Los Angeles that has changed the world and who through his work is creating peace in his own backyard. His name is Ron Finley and his self-chosen title is A Guerilla Gardener. What he has done with his passion is to infuse his neighborhood and the people living there with the indomitable spirit of independence and freedom and living together in peace. His spirit has caught hold and now has a life of its own, stewarded by him and reaching out more and more, growing and thriving.

His TEDx Talk is 10:45 minutes · Filmed Feb 2013

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15 thoughts on “B4PEACE: HUMANITY i Love YOU – Guerilla Gardener in South Central LA

  1. Pingback: The Earth Shifter *Virtual Tour* Interview with Lada Ray – Book Plus Writer

  2. Pingback: The Earth Shifter *Virtual Tour* Interview with Lada Ray | Different Outcomes

  3. Pingback: The Earth Shifter, Earth Changes and Alternative Economy: Special Interview with Lada Ray | Futurist Trendcast

  4. Small, local organic gardening is the future! I’ll be working on my own organic garden soon, too.

    What’s interesting is that in Russia during the USSR collapse, the government distributed gardening plots to ALL citizens who wanted one, where they could build dachas (country homes) and create private gardens. As a result, despite big food supply problems in the 1990s, there was no famine or food-related disasters at all.

    I’ll probably do a post about the Russian experience soon.


    • Hello dear Lada, yes I agree, garden dachas will be safe havens and provide for future uncertainties. It’s certainly much less wasteful than our current method of food distribution. Sadly much of our food supply is discarded from supermarkets as people go hungry and prices steadily increase. We need to build a new model for sustainable agriculture. Be well my friend! ♥


      • I’m sorry I have not posted any blogs of lately. I’ve been keeping my writing on the down low.

        Apparently, Someone on this wordpress blog has been saying some bad things about my work. Critizing it for being too offensive, and me mocking poets. I have never done that whatsoever.

        I don’t know when I will be posting new blogs again…but I’m just keeping low for now. Say, would it be okay with you of we talk more privately on e-mail? If that’s okay with you.


  5. Really liked videos. All it takes is a name change? SC L.A. to South L.A. and all is good. Funny how gov’t. works.

    Accolades Mr. Finley. He gets it. He’s making it happen. He’s taking action. Garden Guerilla for President!


    • Hi Dave, thanks for dropping by! Yes it’s funny how the gov’t works, it seems bureaucracy is system of passing the buck and simply not caring. It really is up to all of us to make it happen, a community garden is just what the doctor ordered. ♥ Be well.


♥Thanks for sharing♥