A.I. Czar Kamala Harris discusses artificial intelligence

God bless our VP, Kamala is a national treasure!



2 weeks agoKamala Harris and an AI – They both have ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE.



7 months agoShe is a gem, we need to protect her, if she dies, we need to study that brain and see how it is capable of making her body move



6 months agoAI is two letters and it means artificial intelligence this really cleared everything up for me



6 months agoShe should have asked AI to write that script for her it would have done a much better job 😂



7 months agoArtificial intelligence explains artificial intelligence.



7 months agoWhat’s the definition of a human robot?



5 months agoIf she becomes President, does that mean we have officially achieved ‘Idiocracy’?

♥Thanks for sharing♥