More than 100 young people hospitalized for vaccine-related heart problems in Ontario

Tuesday, September 28, 2021 by: Cassie B.

(Natural News) A recent report out of Canada showed a high number of people experiencing vaccine-related heart problems, and the majority of those affected were young people.

According to the report, which was released quietly by Public Health Ontario, there were 106 incidents of pericarditis and myocarditis in people in Ontario under the age of 25 as of August 7, which is just over half of the total of all heart inflammation hospitalizations there. Thirty one of these cases were seen in people aged 12 to 17, while 75 of the cases were noted in people aged 18 to 24. Eighty percent of all of these incidents were seen in males, and nearly 70 percent of the cases occurred following the second shot in the series.

According to the report, public health units there were instructed to raise their surveillance for this particular side effect after reports emerged from Israel and the United States of similar side effects. Public Health Ontario started requiring the same-day reporting of post-vaccination myocarditis and pericarditis in June. The symptoms may appear as early as a few minutes following vaccination up to around three months following the jab.

The report states: “The reporting rate of myocarditis/pericarditis was higher following the second dose of mRNA vaccine than after the first, particularly for those receiving the Moderna vaccine as the second dose of the series (regardless of the product for the first dose).”

According to Public Health Ontario, the reporting rate of heart inflammation among those aged 18 to 24 was seven times higher among those who received the Moderna vaccine than those who were given Pfizer. The Pfizer vaccine is the only one being offered to those in the 12 to 17 age group, so it is not possible to make a comparison among younger people.

Overall, they saw 202 visits to the emergency room across all age groups for heart problems following vaccination, 146 of which led to hospitalization and three of which required admission to the ICU.

Among older individuals, 54 people aged 25 to 39 were included in the overall count, along with 44 people aged 40 and over.

The two heart conditions being seen following COVID-19 vaccination are myocarditis, which is an inflammation of the heart muscle, and pericarditis, which is an inflammation of the heart’s lining. The symptoms of these problems include shortness of breath, a fluttering or pounding heart, chest pain and malaise.

Additional studies support Ontario findings

Problems with post COVID-19 vaccine heart inflammation are being seen throughout the world, particularly in young men. In Israel, which is one of the world’s most vaccinated countries right now, a probable link has been established between the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine and myocarditis, mainly in boys between the ages of 16 and 30.

Researchers there discovered that one out of every 3,000 to 5,000 young men between the ages of 16 and 24 could suffer from this condition following their COVID-19 shot. Because the harm is greater after the second dose, the country has been mulling giving teens just one shot to protect them from heart risks.

Meanwhile, a study carried out by researchers from the University of California that analyzed adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines in American children found that healthy young boys aged 12 to 15 are four to six times more likely to be admitted to a hospital with inflammation of the heart following vaccination than being hospitalized with COVID-19 itself.

These studies provide valuable insight that all parents should weigh when deciding whether or not the risks of the vaccine are worth it for their children, particularly parents of young boys.

Sources for this article include:

SHOCKER: Three existing covid vaccines actually contain DNA (not just RNA) for spike protein synthesis inside your body

Wednesday, September 29, 2021 by: Lance D Johnson

(Natural News) The various COVID vaccines being rushed into existence do not operate as traditional biologics (vaccines) and are being falsely represented and regulated as such. Standard vaccines introduce attenuated (weakened) forms of a target virus, in conjunction with inflammatory adjuvant and other chemicals. These new mRNA, adenovirus-vectored, and DNA vaccines utilize the “software” of the virus, forcing the body to make copies of it.

Professor Jonathan Gershoni from Israel’s Tel Aviv University explains that three covid vaccines on the market are actually DNA vaccines. Inoculations manufactured by Sputnik V, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson contain DNA (not just RNA) that is inserted into the nucleus of human cells to ultimately translate and replicate lab engineered spike proteins.

India is getting a new type of DNA vaccine made by Zydus Cadila; it will be called ZyCoV-D. This vaccine contains less DNA than the other DNA vaccines and that DNA is not concealed by a viral vector (adenovirus). For these vaccines, the 1,200 amino acid sequence of the coronavirus spike protein is contained in a plasmid, and it is administered intra-dermally in a three dose, three-month protocol using a high-pressure stream of liquid containing the DNA.

Gene experiments, cellular reprogramming and the destruction of the innate immune system

The adenovirus-vectored covid vaccines all contain DNA from the engineered spike protein. These vaccines stealthily deliver DNA from the bioweapon, concealing it in an adenovirus shell. Once the spike protein DNA bypasses the innate immune system, its genetic instructions are transcribed into the human cells, mass producing lab engineered spike proteins.

The pharmaceutical media and the fact checkers continue to lie about the experimental, gene-altering science behind new COVID vaccines. In unison, they claim that the vaccines do not alter human DNA or change genetic expression. However, these vaccines are genetic experiments designed to keep humans dependent on vaccine updates; the inoculations were designed to breach the innate immune system for the purpose of altering how cells read the body’s own genetic code.

The adenovirus-vectored vaccines carry the spike protein DNA into the cell by using the adenovirus to subvert the innate immune response. The mRNA vaccines use lipid nano-particles to conceal the instructions and slip them into the ribosomes of the cell. In the initial process of subverting the immune system, these vaccines do not beckon a strong enough T cell response to elicit adequate T helper 1, T helper 2, and memory B cells. Because the innate immune system is not exposed to the whole virus, including the envelope and the nucleocapsid, the immune system SUFFERS. This incomplete and subverted immune response primes the body for severe disease upon subsequent re-infection.

No guarantee these gene-altering experiments are temporary

With this new vaccine technology, the messenger RNA or the DNA of a foreign, lab engineered spike protein is inserted into the body to overwrite the natural protein synthesis of the affected cells. Once this natural transcription process is re-engineered by the vaccines, there’s no guarantee that the cells will stop using this foreign code. There are no studies mapping where the spike proteins travel to in the body, how long they might last, or if their replication alters protein synthesis indefinitely and becomes a part of human cells or human DNA.

Because DNA is unable to transcribe by itself, the DNA vaccines must insert the foreign DNA into the nucleus of the human cell. This allows messenger RNA to make a disposable copy of the DNA, preparing instructions for protein synthesis in the ribosome. The RNA has the ability to interact with the ribosomes of the cell, and is responsible for encoding the type of protein the cell is instructed to manufacture.

As predominant mutations of the spike protein are discovered in the wild, vaccine makers can study that DNA and retool the DNA and mRNA in their vaccines, to replicate new sequences of spike protein in humans each year.

Firing Unvaccinated Healthcare Workers? An Alt-Middle Doctor’s Perspective

An important message from a compassionate doctor… so rare these days, plz share:

Are we really going to fire healthcare workers who won’t vaccinate…during a pandemic? Here’s one doctor’s take. Transcript, podcast, and links:…



17 hours agoThe protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that didn’t protect the protected. 🙂

jose L

jose L

13 hours agoA recent BMJ article says “If natural immunity is strongly protective, as the evidence to date suggests it is, then vaccinating people who have had covid-19 would seem to offer nothing or very little to benefit, logically leaving only harms—both the harms we already know about as well as those still unknown,” says Christine Stabell Benn, vaccinologist and professor in global health at the University of Southern Denmark. The CDC has acknowledged the small but serious risks of heart inflammation and blood clots after vaccination, especially in younger people. The real risk in vaccinating people who have had covid-19 “is of doing more harm than good,” she says.”  I always wondered if there were some randomized clinical trials indicating the safety and need to “just get one shot” if you’ve had Covid.  I mean, either you believe in #naturalimmunity or you don’t, right?Show less13REPLYHide 2 replies

Lil Crafty Nook

Lil Crafty Nook

1 hour agoYes!!🙌🏻1REPLY

Basmah Harami

Basmah Harami

1 hour agoOn point!1REPLY

paper burn

paper burn

36 minutes agoConfirmed natural immunity has its place in the system BUT and its a big BUT it can not be the only part of the solution.(even the good doctor says this but most people do not get that as a takeaway by the comments.) Most people are not qualified to make and understand these decisions. consult your doctor or primary care giver so she can look at your history and recommend what is best. Not someone on YouTube you have never seen before, in an algorithm that is designed to confirm personal bias for the company’s profit.REPLY



16 hours agoA reasonable video as always, even though I am not in 100% agreement. No question the data shows that the vaccines are very effective against the development of serious illness and death. However, I am troubled by the continued use of “immunity” in discussing the rationale for mandates. We know that the COVID vaccines do not provide true immunity from infection the way that the measles, small pox, mumps, etc., vaccines we commonly received as kids do. Those vaccines boast infection efficacies into the 90 percentiles according the CDC. The current vaccines appear to be more in the fly vaccine range of 50% or so. The Israeli data shows efficacy for Pfizer as low as 39%. The CDC acknowledged this problem by changing the definition of “vaccine” on September 1, to no longer required immunity as a result, only “protection.” Even though you indicated a 5 fold reduction in infection for vaccinated individual, its clear that vaccinated people are also becoming infected and spreading the virus. To this end, a vaccinated health care worker also present a risk of spread to patients, which is not exclusively a risk associated with their unvaccinated cohorts. I am also not sure of the true significance of a 5 fold reduction given the contagious nature of Delta. Vaccination is not slowing down the spread in Israel, whose adult population is nearly 80% vaccinated. I am not against vaccination, but the I think the decision is a bit more nuanced than is currently proffered by the popular narrative. You have always been open to a more nuanced view of the issue, which I appreciate.Show less18REPLYHide 2 replies

Yves Heinrich

Yves Heinrich

5 hours agoVery well said! It’s no wonder the spread in Israel since early July was so consistent to an amass 90,000 infected. The irresponsibility of the government and health officials to maintain that potential herd immunity and still restricting travel, as both infection and date rates SIGNIFICANTLY dropped between May to June. Theaters reopened and there wasn’t really any mandate other than the masks, of course. It’s like May of last year. From 10,000 to 2,000 infected, Israel reopened and everything seemed to function as intended.1REPLY



1 hour ago@UC6Lv53T1QbkZvSfNUc2oMBw The data is strong that the vaccines are a great mitigators of potentially severe outcomes. I do note in certain demographics this is already a small risk, even without the vaccines. However, mandating the vaccines in the workplace is predicated upon preventing infection and spread, not personal health outcomes. The former is a public health issue and the latter a personal one. If the current vaccines were similar to the ones I mentioned above that are sterilizing, then the the rationale for a vaccine requirement would be more rationale. Essentially, mandating the vaccines for the personal health benefit of a nurse, with the threat of termination, for example, does not make sense.Show less1REPLY

paper burn

paper burn

36 minutes agobut vaccines have dropped the death rate of the vaccinated to very low levels. Not ending up dead sounds like a win to meREPLY



11 minutes ago @paper burn But that is not the basis for the vaccine mandates in the work place. Preventing the spread of infection is, which is not the primary benefit of this set of vaccines.REPLY

Geico Kaveman

Geico Kaveman

1 minute ago @Eddie757  but it is still one of the benefits. There are still data showing the vaccines work, still preventing infection in many people. It’s not that they don’t work, in fact they have admitted the Israel data of 39% was skewed. It’s not entirely accurate and may take more months before we truly know.

UK hospital data shocks the world: 80% of COVID deaths are among the vaccinated… COVID deaths up 3,000% after vaccine wave

Tuesday, September 28, 2021 by: Lance D Johnson

(Natural News) A deadly combination of science fraud, institutional coercion, bribery, Big Tech censorship, government force and media propaganda are bringing the world to its knees. There is NO real-world data showing that covid-19 vaccines reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. Right now, hospital data from the United Kingdom is shocking the world, providing serious evidence of vaccine failure and vaccine-induced death. In the UK, up to 80 percent of COVID deaths are currently coming from vaccinated people. COVID deaths across the UK are now 3,000 percent more frequent than they were at the same time a year ago, when the population was “unvaccinated.”

For over a year, vaccine efficacy was tirelessly promoted, even though absolute risk reduction for all the COVID vaccines on the market was less than two percent, a meaningless number. To make matters worse, the vaccines are increasing the rate of iatrogenic death and making more people susceptible to severe respiratory disease, priming human cells for antibody dependent enhancement.

UK Public Health mortality data shocks the world

The UK’s Yellow Card Scheme, a vaccine injury and medical error surveillance system, shows a clear pattern of vaccine failure. COVID vaccines are increasing hospitalization and death for people who could have easily gone on with their lives, healthy and VAX-free. Instead of being coerced into risky, compounding vaccine experiments, thousands of sick and dying people could have faced a potential infection and recovered with durable, natural immunity.

UK hospital data shows that covid-19 deaths are 3,000 percent higher now compared to this time last year, and it’s not the “unvaccinated” who are dying in greater numbers. The latest data from Public Health England shows just how dangerous vaccine worship and coercion is. From February 1, 2021 to September 12, 2021, the unvaccinated represented just 28 percent of the covid fatalities while the vaccinated represented 72 percent of the deaths!

Public Health Scotland confirms the same pattern of vaccine failure. From August 14, 2020 to September 12, 2020, Scotland recorded just seven covid-19 fatalities. After coercing a large portion of the population to take the covid vaccines, Scotland recorded 222 covid-19 deaths just a year later, during that same period of time. This covid-19 death spike is 3,071.4% higher after a mass vaccination campaign. Most shocking of all: 80 percent of these deaths are occurring in the vaccinated. (Related: The “fully vaccinated” will experience enhanced disease when re-exposed to new coronavirus variants.)

Vaccine’s purported 95% efficacy is a total fraud in the real world, actually increases risk of death

Even though the unvaccinated are coerced to test more frequently for travel, education and work, their numbers are still similar to the “fully vaccinated.” The data shows that COVID cases are relatively equal among the vaccinated and unvaccinated. From August 21, to September 17, 2021, there were 69,639 positive cases recorded among the unvaccinated population, and 79,613 cases among the vaccinated population, with 60,923 of these cases deriving from the “fully vaccinated.” Clearly, the vaccine doesn’t prevent COVID, and may even be a driving force for new infections in the unvaccinated.

Most shocking, the rate of death is not 95 percent lower in the vaccinated group. From August 14 to September 10, 2021, Scotland registered 208 covid-19 deaths. There were 41 deaths in the unvaccinated, 9 deaths in the partially vaccinated, and a shocking 158 deaths in the fully vaccinated. If the 95 percent efficacy of the vaccine was real, then 95 percent of the deaths would occur in the unvaccinated and only 5 percent would be in the vaccinated. However, up to 80 percent of the deaths are in the vaccinated and only 20 percent of the deaths are in the unvaccinated. The vaccines are currently INCREASING the risk of death in the UK by 400%!

For more on the COVID vaccine failure, read up at ScienceFraud.News.

Sources include:

ScienceFraud.newsPrevious :STUDY: Vaccinating children against COVID makes zero sense; more children are harmed by the vaccines than from COVID

Australia’s astonishing tyranny keeps growing

September 27, 2021
Bahia Beach, Puerto RicoIn the early summer of 1798, an Irish stone mason named Philip Cunningham reached his breaking point.Cunningham was sick and tired of English rule in Ireland. And along with 50,000 of his fellow Irishmen, Cunningham picked up a weapon and started an uprising against Great Britain.Their rebellion was a complete disaster; the rebels hoped that the British army was too weak to resist after their defeat in the American Revolution.But within a few short months the British had regained tight control of Ireland.Naturally their first order of business was to round up all the remaining rebels— and Cunningham was among them.His punishment was being shipped off to a British penal colony in the south Pacific, in a place that was generally known at the time as “New Holland”.Today we call it Australia.Cunningham wasn’t one to accept his fate easily. Even while en route to Australia, he and other prisoners briefly managed to take over the ship… though British marines eventually regained control and gave Cunningham 100 lashes.But Cunningham still wasn’t finished. A few years later in March of 1804, he led about 300 Australian prisoners in yet another rebellion against their British jailers.That rebellion was so severe that the British governor was forced to declare martial law— the first, but certainly not the last time in Australia’s history this would happen.It’s ironic that, each year, ‘Australia Day’ is celebrated on January 26, which commemorates the day that the British Navy first sailed into Sydney Cove, hoisted their flag, and declared the land their penal colony.So Australia Day does not celebrate the birth of a nation so much as the ribbon-cutting of a giant prison.Clearly in 2021, Australia has simply been returning to its roots as the world’s largest prison.You know the story by now— “two weeks to control the spread” of COVID-19 became “indefinite dictatorship and total suspension of basic human rights.”Over the course of the last 18 months, Australia’s state and federal governments have:Banned citizens from leaving the country without permission.Banned citizens from entering the country, with threat of five years in prison.Banned citizens and residents from crossing state borders.Banned citizens and residents from traveling further than 5k from home without permission.Ironically, an Australian government website lays out citizens’ “right to freedom of movement” and says that this very basic human right “cannot be made dependent on establishing a purpose or reason for leaving.”But Australia doesn’t have to follow its own rules, nor care about the human rights of all the little people, because it’s an emergency.In the name of COVID Australian police and government officials have also:Tracked a large fast food order to a party to fine guests $26,000 for an unauthorized gathering.Deployed the military to enforce lockdowns. Deployed helicopters to threaten young healthy men playing soccer.Told people not to talk to their neighbors.Executed several dogs to prevent rescue workers from coming to the town.Arrested a pregnant mom in front of her kids for posting about an anti-lockdown rally on social media.Refused to grant a travel exception to a three year old boy visiting his grandparents separated from his parents for months, because of a surprise border closure.Caused a newborn infant to die because the mother was denied permission to travel across state borders for medical care.It is also now illegal to plan, publicize, or participate in protests.The right to peaceably assemble and hold public protests against unjust government actions is enshrined in the Western legal tradition. But for organizing protests against the Australian government’s tyranny, Anthony Khallouf has been sentenced to several months in prison.His “crimes” include not complying with COVID decrees, and “encouraging the commission of crimes”— that is, sharing information about the time and location of protests.He is a political prisoner, like many of his forebears.But at least Philip Cunningham was imprisoned because he engaged in actual violence.Khallouf, on the other hand, was found guilty of… illegally crossing Australian state borders.That hasn’t stopped the protests however.Thousands of Australian construction workers, for example, protested because they refuse to be coerced into vaccination against their will.They actually were peaceful protestors. For real. They literally sang the national anthem.Yet police pepper sprayed them and fired rubber bullets into the crowd of thousands (which included children).Perhaps even more diabolical is that the government restricted the media from showing footage of the event as it was happening, and restricted airspace to prevent media helicopters from filming.That didn’t stop people on the ground from recording it with their phones.In one exchange, a protestor filmed a police officer agreeing, “I’m just as over this fucking [lockdown] as you are,” but, “we get paid to do this [fire on peaceful protestors] mate…”I’m just doing my job. I’m just following orders.Other police were caught on video going door-to-door to ask residents if they planned to attend, or knew of any planned protests.They asked one homeowner if he is on any social media platforms, but declined to tell him why they targeted that particular address.What’s really crazy is that this authoritarianism goes beyond COVID hysteria.Australia’s parliament has passed a new bill eradicating Australians’ right to digital privacy.It’s called “Surveillance Legislation Amendment (Identify and Disrupt) Bill 2021.”It gives the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) sweeping new powers to not just surveil Australian citizens online, but also take over and run their online accounts, lock the actual user out of the account, and add or delete data.The police never have to notify a person that their account has been hacked by the government.What they are calling “warrants” actually do not always require an actual court or judge to sign off.An “emergency authorisation,” allows police to bypass the courts entirely. And why should anyone be concerned about that? It’s not like the Australian government has ever abused its emergency powers before…The right to travel, the right to protest, the right to privacy, the right to due process, the right to leave your home and earn a living— these are basic human rights that are now gone in Australia.It should be obvious by now to every citizen of any Western nation that never-ending “emergency powers” can easily snowball into a full-blown dictatorship.There is no reason it couldn’t happen to other formerly free nations as well.And that means, more than ever before, it’s time to think about a Plan B.To your freedom,
Simon Black,

Dr. Lee Merritt: If you think you’re fighting a virus, then you’re going to be a victim

Monday, September 27, 2021 by: Nolan Barton

(Natural News) Dr. Lee Merritt tells Alan Keyes during his program “Let’s Talk America” on Brighteon.TV that the people need to have a situational awareness with what’s happening in the world right now.

“We need to realize the situation. This is a war, it’s not just a virus,” Merritt says. “If you think you’re fighting a virus, then you’re going to be a victim.”

War is brewing a long time ago

Merritt, a renowned surgeon, says their predecessors at the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) have seen this coming a long time ago. In 1943, a number of physicians and surgeons parted ways with the American Medical Association (AMA) to form AAPS as the former aligned itself with the government.

“The AAPS said no because we need to keep the government out of medicine. You want the medicine to be between you and the patient – not between you, a government bureaucrat and a patient. And that’s exactly the paradigm that has happened,” Merritt says.

“We no longer see doctors taking an oath to their patients and to doing the very best thing to the patients. They’re taking an oath to the CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] and whatever the NIH [National Institutes of Health] and CDC guidelines are, and it’s driven by money. That’s what happened.”

The difference between the AAPS and AMA has never been more evident than at the onset of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

AMA serves federal agencies

In April last year, AMA President Dr. Patrice Harris told CNN‘s Wolf Blitzer that she would not prescribe hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin to a patient with COVID-19. (Related: Stew Peters and Dr. Bryan Ardis slam AMA’s covid propaganda language police instructions to doctors – Brighteon.TV.)

It would be “inappropriate prescribing because the FDA [Food and Drug Administration] has not approved the drug for this new virus,” Harris said at the time. “It might have negative side effects, including deaths. Also, we need to keep supplies available for patients who have lupus and other conditions. For COVID, it is unproven. At this point we just don’t have the data.”

AAPS serves the patients

The AAPS released the following statement shortly after CNN‘s interview with Harris.

“Chloroquine (CQ) and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) have been FDA approved for about 70 years and have been extensively and safely used worldwide for malaria and other conditions. Obtaining approval for a new indication is extremely costly and usually takes years. Although drugs cannot be marketed for an ‘off-label’ indication, they may be prescribed, and probably one in five prescriptions is off label.

“The Oath of Hippocrates states that physicians have the duty to ‘prescribe according to my ability and my judgment.’

“So far, data are showing successful results, even in some patients who were near death. Results appear to be best when HCQ is given early in combination with zinc and the common antibiotic azithromycin. Data pouring in from many countries show that as many as 98 percent of patients improve with this treatment, and there is very little risk, according to our tabulation, which is being updated periodically.

“There are no FDA-approved preventives or therapies for this novel illness. The ethical and humane action is for physicians to prescribe remedies for which there is a scientific basis and favorable current experience. These include HCQ as well as high-dose intravenous vitamin C. The alternative is to deny patients the best available chance to live.

“FDA bureaucracy has delayed testing and obstructed the provision of protective gear. Professional societies like the AMA, governors and medical and pharmacy boards should not be forbidding the long-accepted practice of prescribing FDA-approved drugs for newly discovered uses. This unprecedented interference with the practice of medicine could result in thousands of needless deaths, and delay control of a deadly pandemic.”

That statement is in line with the group’s motto: omnia pro aegroto, which means “all for the patient.” The AAPS has essentially accused the AMA of preferring death than treating without federal authorization on certain drugs.

PCR tests are proof that COVID-19 is not the real enemy

Merritt cites the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests as proof that the virus is not the real enemy. (Related: FDA document admits “covid” PCR test was developed without isolated covid samples for test calibration, effectively admitting it’s testing something else.)

“If you read the brochure, it tells you exactly how to do the test,” Merritt says. “Cycle it 20-30 times. If you go over 30, you will start getting false positives. If you go over 35 times, it’s basically meaningless. It’s like a broken clock that gets the time right two times a day.”

Yet, all the labs all over the world are doing 45 cycles on average. Merritt points out that those labs are run by lab managers who know how to do tests and train their staff.

“How did this happen? None of them made the mistake of under-cycling it and get false negatives. It’s all on the same direction,” Merritt says. “There’s no real benefit to over-cycling the tests, except to scare humanity into the next step, to convince us there’s a horrible disease out there and it’s so rampaging in spite of lockdowns.”

Enemies are targeting children

Merritt warns that the enemies are coming after the children, so there’s no better time to stand up against them than now.

“I have sons whom I want to give a better world than this. It’s not so much about us – it’s about our children. They’re coming after our children, and there are many ways to demonstrate that,” Merritt says.

There’s a psychological operation going on for a while now, and the children are bound to be affected the most. That operation is called mask mandate. “They don’t really care about science,” Merritt says.

She tells Keyes that masks are traditionally put on slaves and on cult followers. “It’s a cult symbol of ‘I would be quiet, I would obey, I would submit, I would transform myself into whatever you want me to be.’ That’s what cult symbolisms for masks are,” Merritt explains.

Masks are particularly damaging for children. Along with social distancing, wearing masks for extended periods could lead to trauma and developmental delays among younger generations.

“They’re damaging our basic humanity by separating us from fellow humans in our particularly unique human way. You take that away, and we don’t develop right, we will not be happy people,” Merritt says.

Watch the Sept. 21 episode of “Let’s Talk America” here:

You can catch new episodes of “Let’s Talk America” with Alan Keyes from Monday to Friday from 1-3 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

Follow for more news and information related to the coronavirus pandemic.

Sources include:

PRNewswire.comPrevious :Mike Adams tells Robert Scott Bell: Workers who say no to COVID-19 vaccines are going to be vindicated and reinstated – Brighteon.TVNext :Still think it’s “science?” Elementary school requires children to wear masks when chewing, swallowing at lunchtime

Covid Data From Singapore – First Wave (0% Vaccinated) VS Second(Current) Wave (77% Vaccinated)

Tony Lin28.8K

Compare Confirmed Cases, Death, and Fully Vaccinated Rate From Singapore during First Wave and Second Wave(Current Wave) Data is From a research team based at the University of Oxford Our World in Data: Our World in Data Wiki Page:…

Revelacion Humana

Revelacion Humana

1 day agoTony Lin for Singapore Mayor 🇸🇬♥️☺️145REPLYView 23 replies

Marie Botha

Marie Botha

1 day agoI am a natural medicine practitioner and would like to explain my point of view. The antigenic shift (mutation) that we are experiencing, is a common normal biological function. Even though Coronaviruses are considered more stable in this regard than the flu viruses, it will nevertheless inevitably occur within large populations. This is precisely why vaccines, in my humble opinion, have little chance of effectiveness for Corona type viruses. History has proven this true time and time again. SARS-COV-2 will not/cannot be contained or eradicated. What is going on right now, is known in epidemiology as the pathogen endemic equilibrium phase, (viral stasis) and is perfectly normal. Virulence weakening and dilution is what always happens when mutations and naturally acquired herd immunity are occurring throughout the populations. Invariably mutation causes infection rate increase ( seasonality still being the biggest factor) and lethality rate decrease, henceforth it becomes ubiquitous and permanent. Vaccination at this stage is, again in my opinion, essentially pointless. — Ubiquitous viruses are fought and defeated primarily by the T-Cell lymphocytes and innate and specified acquired immunity within our immune systems, not from artificial antibody stimulating manipulation . (MPIE — Mass Population Immunization by Exposure) This is an absolutely critical missing factor in the epidemiological mortality calculations and the absence of this explanation is driving fear, which is being fuelled by the media. — The narrative that is being heavily perpetuated by a large sector of the science community is, in my opinion, unsubstantiated. This is fundamental immunology, based on biological Law. First term, first lesson, Chapter -1 “Steps leading through virus infection, to immunity”. — The longer the populations as a whole suppress their own immune system, through lock-down, distancing, mask wearing and compulsive sanitizing, the greater the chances of allowing a pathogenic microbial superbug that our bodies cannot handle. – What is going on in the world, in my opinion, is truly bizarre. In just the past few short months, the facts presented in virology and immunology textbooks that I was given to study seem to be retracted. Ideology has replaced scientific methodology logic and reason – It seems like global hysteria by censorship of empirical science has been induced (akin to StockHolm Syndrome at mass population scale)Show less948REPLYView 202 replies

Luca Puzzoli

Luca Puzzoli

1 day agoWhen people ask me why I did’t get vax I say I don’t take advice on my health from companies that makes profits when people are sick. Thanks for sharing Tony221REPLYView 20 replies

Donnali Peters

Donnali Peters

20 hours ago“If you have to be persuaded, reminded, bullied, pressured, incentivized, lied to, guilt tripped, coerced, socially shamed, censored, threatened, paid, punished, and criminalized, to gain your compliance, you can be absolutely certain what is being promoted is not in your best interest.” Pfizer CEO wouldn’t get his own jab. Something to think about.Show less63REPLYView 5 replies

Zev London

Zev London

1 day agoHi Tony, in addition to the increase in cases and deaths in the second wave, you forgot to add the adverse affects (deaths and otherwise) caused by the vaccinations themselves. Thanks, z144REPLYView 24 replies

Rodney Jack

Rodney Jack

1 day agoYou have made a most excellent point! Variants or not the deaths should be less.484

Tony Lin

REPLYView 64 replies

c o

c o

1 day agoThis guys a full on nerd. In high school that’s a bad thing. In adulthood, that means your a hero61REPLYView 2 replies

The jews did 9-11

The jews did 9-11

1 day agoThe side effects are not being reported. I personally know someone who’s uncle got bell’s palsy after the shot and it wasn’t reported.117REPLYView 28 replies

David Luebke

David Luebke

1 day agoThis is a man who is desperately trying to save lives. You da man Tony!25REPLY

Some Guy

Some Guy

1 day agoThe only excuse I ever hear is, “Well, Covid has just gotten so much worse. That’s why everyone must get jabbed!” No honest research, just mindless reaction.15REPLY

Nicolette Coetzee

Nicolette Coetzee

1 day ago90% of the world population are not using their brains. Logic was the first victim of whatever this Demi’s is really about.653

Tony Lin

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Rosalyn Rusciani

Rosalyn Rusciani

1 day agoI have been infusing monoclonal antibodies to mostly fully vaccinated patients and one of my recent patients got the booster. Why mandate a vaccine that is so ineffective and does not stop the spread? Mass hysteria.11REPLY

sana ne

sana ne

21 hours agoMark my words. The experimental shots weakens the immune system.10REPLY

Maxx WellBeing

Maxx WellBeing

1 day agoYes, you’re right. I find that people have “CONFIRMATION BIAS” which is absolute madness. You can literally show them 100% facts, but they will still deny it. So Odd. GROUP THINK AND MOB MENTALITY HAPPENS ALL AT ONCE, RATIONAL THOUGHT AND COMMON SENSE COMES BACK…ONE PERSON AT A TIME. Keep posting my friend, and I’ll keep sharing them.