The entire world is now participating in covid “vaccine” walkout protests – find or plan an event near you

Monday, January 31, 2022 by: Ethan Huff

(Natural News) On January 23, tens of thousands of people from all walks of life participated in “Defeat the Mandates: An American Homecoming,” which seeks to put an immediate end to all Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic mandates.

This protest included participants from all races, political affiliations, ideologies and even vaccination status – meaning people who took the jabs showed up to protest the trampling of their unvaccinated neighbors’ rights.

It was a beautiful sight to see (you can watch a clip of crowds gathered at the Lincoln Memorial at the Children’s Health Defense (CHD) website). And the really great news is that this kind of thing is now happening all around the world!

In the face of escalating tyranny that seeks to enslave everyone under a system of forced vaccination, mask mandates and fascist societal dysfunction, freedom lovers are planning rallies, walkouts and other events to spread the word.

CHD is helping to facilitate this by calling on advocates everywhere, including at its state and international chapters, coalition partners and affiliates, to join humanity together peacefully for active engagement in the fight for freedom and liberty.

“Help others engage in the movement,” CHD says. “Share information with compassion, empathy, and an open heart to bring others to the right side of history.”

“Our elected officials need constant reminders that they work for the tax paying citizens of this country and that many of us, if not the majority, want choice when it comes to what goes on and in our bodies.”

Don’t remain silent: Speak out!

CHD says it is important for our elected officials to not only hear our voices but also to see our faces and know that we are real people demanding real change back to the Constitution, which guarantees certain rights that are now being trampled by our overlords.

As long as we let them, the covid fascists will continue to press that boot hard on our necks. This is why parents, their children, entire families and even entire neighborhoods must join together to lift that boot off so we can all stand back up and live.

“These representatives must see our faces, hear our voices and know that we demand choice when it comes to our healthcare decisions,” CHD days. “Parents and individuals should make these decisions, not the government. The tyranny ends when We the People stand up!”

How can you help accomplish this? The first thing is to find the date for the start of your state’s 2022 legislative session. If your state has not yet commenced its new session, you can plan to bring yourself and your friends to the statehouse on day one.

Organizing locally will really help this effort to be a success, especially if not everyone involved has the time or the means to travel to the state capitol. Those who can will carry the banner on behalf of those who cannot, and hopefully the numbers will still be large.

There is also a Community Calendar at the CHD website that outlines when and where Worldwide Walkouts are taking place.

CHD also encourages people to use its free design templates to create promotional graphics for social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. CHD’s Advocacy Hub contains educational handouts and postcards that you can use to interact with your community and your elected officials, as well as helpful guidance for how to do this successfully.

“Never has there been a more important time to fight back and protect our rights to stop this tyranny and government overreach,” says CHD.

More related news about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) activism can be found at

Sources for this article include:

NaturalNews.comSubmit a correction >>Previous :When teachers become LGBTQ predators who target children: one mother’s storyNext :College dorms transformed into covid concentration camps as students are starved in “quarantine”

British media claim “stealth disease,” not COVID-19 vaccines, could kill nearly 200,000 people in UK over the next five years

Saturday, January 29, 2022 by: Arsenio Toledo

(Natural News) Mainstream media outlets are claiming heart complications caused by the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines are actually being caused by a so-called “stealth disease.”

This attempted cover-up is happening most prominently in the United Kingdom, where public health authorities are warning that around 300,000 people living in the country are living with a “stealth disease” that could kill nearly two-thirds of them within the next five years.

The disease that can supposedly kill hundreds of thousands of people in the U.K. is known as aortic valve stenosis or aortic stenosis. This is a condition wherein the heart’s left ventricle, where the aorta begins, has narrowed. This makes it difficult for blood to flow properly.

Aortic stenosis can cause chest pain, dizziness, fatigue or a rapid, fluttering heartbeat in more severe and life-threatening cases.

The researchers claim that the people most likely to have aortic stenosis are those who are older, with diabetes, high blood pressure or heart conditions that they have had since birth. No mention of the fact that being vaccinated significantly increases a person’s risk of developing heart complications.

Nearly 200,000 people in the U.K. could die of this “stealth disease” within five years

According to the calculations of the researchers, the overall prevalence of severe aortic stenosis among people over the age of 55 in the United Kingdom could be almost 1.5 percent or 300,000 people.

Of those 300,000, just under 200,000 were symptomatic and are already eligible for heart surgery to get the problem fixed. The remainder have a “stealth” case of aortic stenosis and will probably not be diagnosed until they get an examination of their heart.

Without timely treatment, the researchers estimate that over 172,000 people could end up dead due to complications caused by aortic stenosis by 2024. This is equal to around 35,000 people dying every year, with nearly 10,000 of those yearly deaths coming from people between the ages of 55 and 64.

The researchers came to their conclusions using data coming from no later than 2019. According to Josh Sigurdson, political commentator and host of World Alternative Media, the data being used only comes up to 2019 because the scientists conducting the study do not want any research to pop up that might link the prevalence of heart conditions to the COVID-19 vaccines. (Related: Psychiatrists invent a totally fabricated “stress disorder” to try to explain away vaccine-induced HEART DAMAGE… they claim it’s all in your head.)

“We have countless examples of people having heart attacks and having myocarditis and pericarditis … and it happens to 100 percent of people who got the jab,” said Sigurdson.

He also pointed out how records from the United States show that there were only a handful of cases of myocarditis in children in both 2019 and 2020, and then there were suddenly thousands of new cases in 2021. “And people are going to pretend that there’s no correlation?”

Sigurdson pointed out that the media and public health authorities have tried to pin the blame on the sudden surge in cardiac-related deaths on a variety of things, from marijuana and video game use to a new condition known as “post-pandemic stress disorder.”

“The reality is, it’s the [expletive] vaccine,” he said.

COVID-19 vaccine spike proteins are SHEDDING, giving people heart attacks, strokes and more.

Pfizer buys pharmaceutical company that makes heart medication to solve the problem caused by mRNA vaccines.

Questions swirl about COVID-19 vaccine injuries after several high-profile soccer players experience heart problems.

Study: COVID-19 vaccines increase risk of heart attack by 127%.

Pfizer secretly added heart attack drug to children’s COVID vaccines … but why?

Watch this episode of World Alternative Media with host Josh Sigurdson as he talks about how the media is attempting to shift the blame for vaccine deaths on a mysterious disease.

This video can be found in the channel World Alternative Media on

Learn more about the deadliness of the COVID-19 vaccines by reading the latest articles at

Sources include: a correction >>Previous :Welcome to the life we knew before: Denmark is abolishing ALL COVID-19 restrictionsNext :NO PRIVACY: Biden creating database of unvaccinated Americans with medical exemptions

‘Makes No Sense’: Canadian Premier Vows to End Proof of Vaccine Policy as Truckers Protest in Ottawa

By Allen Zhong January 29, 2022 Updated: January 29, 2022

A Canadian premier said Saturday the proof of vaccine requirement makes no sense and he will end it in the “not-too-distant future” in his province.

Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe said in a statement that being vaccinated doesn’t prevent one from getting the virus and the vaccine mandate “makes no sense.”

“I want to be clear on how I feel about vaccines. I am fully vaccinated with my booster shot. This did not prevent me from recently contracting COVID-19, but I believe it did keep me from becoming sick,” he said in a statement.

COVID-19 is the disease caused by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, also known as coronavirus.

“That said, because vaccination is not reducing transmission, the current federal border policy for truckers makes no sense. An unvaccinated trucker does not pose any greater risk of transmission than a vaccinated trucker,” he continued.

He will “continue to encourage everyone to get vaccinated” though, believing it will prevent people from becoming seriously ill.

The Epoch Times reached out to the Canadian Prime Minister’s Office and the White House for comments.

Epoch Times Photo
Supporters cheer on truck drivers in the “Freedom” convoy headed for Ottawa from an overpass in Kingston, Ontario, on Jan. 28, 2022. (Lars Hagberg/The Canadian Press)

Moe showed his appreciation to the truckers for keeping the country running during the pandemic and said the federal vaccine mandate for truckers poses a significant risk to Canada’s economy and to the supply chain in Saskatchewan.

Saskatchewan is a Canadian province about 1,950 miles from Ottawa. It borders the United States from the south.

Moe’s statement came as over 10,000 Canadian truckers are holding the Freedom Convoy 2022 to protest the vaccine mandate for truckers.

After the Public Health Agency of Canada’s announcement that foreign truck drivers can only enter Canada if fully vaccinated starting Jan. 15, and the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) announcing similar requirements starting Jan. 22 for non-U.S. national truckers crossing into the United States, thousands of truckers decided to protest and will meet in Ottawa in an attempt to stop the mandates.

Truckers in west Canada started mobilizing on Jan 23.

As the record-breaking convoy passed through different cities, they were greeted with long rows of people cheering and holding Canadian flags, with some shooting off fireworks.

U.S. truckers started joining the protesting efforts swiftly after the creators of Freedom Fighter Nation, attorney Leigh Dundas, and her personal assistant Maureen Steele, heard the news and started organizing in the United States.

Epoch Times Photo
Supporters of Canadian truck drivers protesting the COVID-19 vaccine mandate cheer on a convoy of trucks on their way to Ottawa, on the Trans-Canada Highway west of Winnipeg on Jan. 25, 2022. (David Lipnowski/The Canadian Press)

The premier of Alberta, Jason Kenney, also voiced support of truckers and promised to discuss the vaccine mandates for truckers with his U.S. counterpart when he’s attending the National Governors Association meeting in Washington, D.C.

“I will be there to discuss growing supply chain problems, including the U.S. and Canadian governments’ policies that have impacted many cross-border truckers, causing further damage to supply chains and higher prices for consumers,” he said in a statement.

Enrico Trigoso contributed to the report.

Trump on Who Was the Hardest to Deal with as President: Russia, China, Iran, N. Korea? The Answer Will Shock You! // BIG CHANGES COMING!

Reblogged with permission from Futuristrendcast w/ Lada Ray


in February I’ll be announcing some big changes to my various platforms, including the exciting MULTIDIMENSIONAL UNIVERSITY (MDU) programs! Read more below!



Original post: Trump on Who Was the Hardest to Deal with as President: Russia, China, Iran, N. Korea? The Answer Will Shock You! // BIG CHANGES COMING!

Trump was banned from all US social media. Instead he took to the streets. His recent rally somewhere in the south, I think in Arizona, gathered 50,000 people in the midst of COVID! 

He also moved fully to Florida, or shall we say ‘fled from New York,’ and looks like he’ll be running for Congress as Floridian. That’ll be interesting, at least that’s speculation. But he also plans to run for president again in 2024, another speculation. We’ll see how it goes. 


PERIOD 9 – a side note!

Do it like Trump?

Note that he moved to Florida, the USA’s quintessential south, right on cue! Remember my Period 9/South predictions (SEE WEBINARS 4 AND 14!)? People like Trump smell the changing energy with their very nose, and then they act on it without delay – that’s why they are often so successful! 

The move to Period 9 is so fundamental and groundbreaking that this needs to be talked about a lot more! And I will, BIG TIME!

Either this or next year, we’ll have some workshops on the transition and how to best benefit from Period 9! 

All announcements will be in the MDU section of!



On the video below he’s shown speaking at that famous 50k people rally, and answering the question who it was the most difficult to deal with as president?

Snippet from a Russian talk show:

Санкции вместо безопасности. (Sanctions Instead of Security) – as you see, Russians aren’t happy with the Western approach. 

Click to watch – Trump snippet starts @9:22. (Before that they show the lies of Stoltenberg/NATO and Nuland)


People often ask me, which country was the hardest to deal with? Russia, Iran, China, N. Korea? 

I say, NO, the toughest country to deal with was the United States of America (yelling, laughter in audience)! 

We have some crazy people here who create falsifications: Russia, Russia. It’s all fabricated. 

You’ve got to admire the guy, sometimes he’s OK! What’s that with Western politicians? They seem to regain reason and logic once they leave office, lol. 



As usual, I am taking a few days off for the Chinese New Year 2022, Year of the Tiger, which starts on Feb 1! 

As you know, I am a Feng Shui Master and in Feng Shui we change the energy, redo our feng shui and prep for the New Year between the end of January and Feb 4. We also celebrate the CNY at home as we are a part Chinese household. 

I will be off and preparing for the new year and its changing energy between January 29 and February 4.

Therefore, this is the last post for January and we again restart in February: I should be back by Feb 4-5! Many very serious and in-depth topics to cover! 

Much will continue changing and shifting in earnest, as predicted since 2012-14! But expectation is one thing – now we are starting to LIVE my predictions, as they materialize before our very eyes! 

I also have some articles and reports saved from previous months that I mean to post for you! I’ll do more of those throughout February and March!


I’ll begin announcing some of my MULTIDIMENSIONAL UNIVERSITY (MDU) programs!


There will be other exciting changes and new offerings on and my YT channel, which I’ll tell you about next month!

See you in February!



In case you missed it!

This post is the continuation of our discussions in previous reports from November 2021 – January 2022! January has been extremely productive and full of events, articles and my BIG reports, including:

Breaking! Russian Duma Asks Putin to Send Arms to Donbass // Germany & Croatia Refuse to Fight w. Russia for NATO // TRIPOLAR WORLD #7 p2

AUKUS vs CHIRU (China, Iran, Russia) // US & NATO Prepare Ukraine for War // PER MY 2021 PREDICTIONS: World Conflict Escalation Timed to China Olympics! TRIPOLAR WORLD #7 p1

Do US or Russia Plan to Install Muraev or Yanukovich as Ukraine President? // Fakes: UK’s New Business // MY CONCLUSION YOU NEVER EXPECTED!

2 Gorgeous Donbass Sirens: “We Are Returning Home” & “Donbass Behind Us!” // Should Russia Recognize Donbass? Vote in Comments!

Hidden CONFLICT Between US & Germany Underway! Europe’s Future at Stake? // Germany Sends Message to Russia! TRIPOLAR WORLD #6

NORTH AMERICA COVID REPORT! NO Mandatory Vaccination in US, MX & Russia // Canada to Block US Trucks & Impose COVID Tax // Cornell Outbreak & US/New York News (WITH PREDICTIONS!)

Lavrov’s Warning: US/EU/NATO Crossing Red Lines! // My First Russia-US/NATO Talks Impressions & Predictions! TRIPOLAR WORLD #5

Will NATO End in 5 Years? // The Waning US, “The Matrix” & Mentality Shift / New Answers, Quantum Calibrations & Predictions!

How to Bring Back Peace & Love into Your Life // A Day in My Life // How to Do Moving Meditation! (MDU/MHAP)

Putin the Prophet on Kazakhstan: “Saddam Hussein also thought so!” // Blinken Faux Pas

URGENT! Kazakhstan ‘Fuel’ Color Revolution! // Everything You Need to Know & MY BIG PREDICTIONS! // TRIPOLAR WORLD REPORT #4


FREE FREE “Putin’s Ultimatum to the US & NATO” YEAR-END 2021 REPORT Excerpt // HOW TO JOIN Lada Ray’s Exclusive Patreon Subscription!



4D Geopolitics China Chinese New Year Iran Lada Ray Period 9

Russia the Great Balancer Trump USA Year of the Tiger

Biden’s engineered collapse proceeding as regime ban on unvaccinated foreign truckers set to worsen supply chain crisis

Friday, January 28, 2022 by: JD Heyes

(Natural News) Despite the fact that our country is currently experiencing a pandemic-related supply chain crisis, the Biden regime, along with Western ‘democracies’ in our hemisphere, continue to implement policies designed to make it worse.

The most recent policy: Forbid truckers from Canada and Mexico who have not been vaccinated for COVID-19 from entering our country, a decision that experts already are saying will only worsen existing supply chain problems.

Officially, drivers will be expected to show proof of vaccination before being allowed into the U.S., and that’s going to work just fine — no driver will attempt to enter a point of entry without proof.

But the problem lies in this: Tens of thousands of drivers are not vaccinated, meaning their loads won’t be entering the country at all — meaning the supply chain crisis is just about to get a whole lot worse, even as store shelves across North America continue to empty.

The Department of Homeland Security — the same Biden agency that refuses to do anything to stop hordes of migrants from crossing illegally into the U.S. each month without bothering to check their vaccine status — issued a statement on the policy last week.

“The Department of Homeland Security will?require?that?non-U.S.?individuals?entering the United States via?land ports of entry or ferry terminals along?our Northern and Southern borders be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and be prepared to show related proof of vaccination,” DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayokas announced.

“These new restrictions?will?apply to non-U.S.?individuals?who are traveling for both essential?and?non-essential reasons.?They?will not apply to U.S. citizens, Lawful Permanent Residents, or U.S. nationals,” the agency added.

The agency went on to provide details about how all “non-U.S. individuals traveling to the United States via land ports?of entry or ferry terminals, whether?for essential or non-essential reasons,? must”  be able to do or show the following, per the National Pulse:

— verbally attest to their COVID-19 vaccination status;

— provide?proof of?a?CDC-approved COVID-19 vaccination,?as outlined on the CDC website;

— present a?valid?Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative?(WHTI)-compliant document, such as a valid passport, Trusted Traveler Program card, or Enhanced Tribal Card;?and,

— be?prepared to present any other?relevant?documents requested by?a?U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)?officer?during a border inspection.

The decision to bar unvaccinated truckers (but not unvaccinated illegal aliens) comes amid the worst supply chain crisis the U.S. has experienced in recent memory. And while it may have started after pandemic-related work stoppages around the world, the crisis is definitely being exacerbated now with policies that appear aimed to specifically make the problem worse.

But it’s not just that Americans can’t find enough choices in the latte aisle: The supply chain crisis at grocery stores (which is real, by the way, as we have reported for months) belies a much larger national security issue, according to retired U.S. Navy Adm. James Foggo, now the dean for the Center for Maritime Strategy at the Navy League of the United States.

“Should there be a protracted conflict in the Pacific, one of the key elements to victory will be sustainment and resupply of the forces fighting forward. This is nothing new, but often ignored when a nation prepares to defend its sovereign interests,” he writes in The Hill this week.

After discussing the importance of attacking an enemy’s supply lines during conflicts, a strategy that has worked time and again for 200 years, Foggo notes that China has built a merchant fleet of nearly 1,500 vessels, while the U.S. Merchant Marine fleet over decades has dwindled to fewer than 200 ships.

“The consequences of overreliance on foreign vessels are now rippling across our nation, as American agricultural and manufacturing exports are stymied in port, while foreign vessels take empty containers back to Asia for the next haul,” Foggo writes, summarizing:

Only U.S.-flag vessels can be relied upon to step in and act in such situations. This is even more concerning during wartime, when foreign vessels are unlikely to assist the U.S. by transporting fuel, supplies and personnel through contested sea lanes. In the event of a major conflict, it is likely that America would only be able to rely upon its own U.S.-flag fleet for the transport of military resupply. This poses an enormous vulnerability to any U.S. war effort.

In short, not only is the U.S. and North America experiencing supply chain problems now, during peacetime, these problems are only going to multiply in a war scenario, which appears increasingly likely under weak Biden.

And yet, in response, his handlers bar thousands of truck drivers from entering the country.

No one is that stupid — right?

Sources include:

NationalPulse.comSubmit a correction >>Previous :Biden family ties to Communist China even more extensive than thought; author details “scariest investigation” in exposing first family corruption

The Worst Ingredient for Your Immune System

By Joseph Mercola January 28, 2022 Updated: January 28, 2022

The dramatic increase in seed oil intake in recent decades is a key culprit behind the soaring rates of heart disease, cancer, age-related macular degeneration, diabetes, obesity and dementia (By Africa Studio/Shutterstock)
The dramatic increase in seed oil intake in recent decades is a key culprit behind the soaring rates of heart disease, cancer, age-related macular degeneration, diabetes, obesity and dementia

Story at-a-glance

  • There’s an even worse offender than sugar for your immune system and overall health: industrially processed seed oils, often referred to as “vegetable oils”
  • At the root of the harmful biochemical reactions triggered by seed oils is linoleic acid, the primary fatty acid found in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs)
  • The dramatic increase in seed oil intake in recent decades is a key culprit behind the soaring rates of heart disease, cancer, age-related macular degeneration, diabetes, obesity and dementia
  • Unsaturated fat intake is associated with increased mortality from COVID-19, while saturated fat intake lowers your risk of death
  • Linoleic acid is found in most processed foods, including sauces and salad dressings, along with “healthy” foods like chicken, pork and olive oil

What you eat plays a significant role in how well your immune system functions. As a result, you can actively support your body’s ability to ward off acute and chronic conditions with each food you put into your mouth. However, depending on your food choices, you can also hinder it.

What’s the worst ingredient for your immune system? If you guessed sugar, nice try, but there’s an even worse offender that’s just as prevalent but not as widely recognized for its pernicious influence on health: industrially processed seed oils, often referred to as “vegetable oils.”

At the root of the harmful biochemical reactions triggered by seed oils is linoleic acid, which is an 18-carbon omega-6 fat. Linoleic acid is the primary fatty acid found in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and accounts for about 80% of the fatty acid composition of vegetable oils. Omega-6 fats must be balanced with omega-3 fats in order to not be harmful, but this isn’t the case for most Americans.

Epoch Times Photo
Linoleic acid is found in most processed foods, including sauces and salad dressings, along with “healthy” foods like chicken, pork and olive oil (By Alfred Nesswetha/Shutterstock)

Why Seed Oils Are Even Worse Than Sugar

An immunologist with CNBC News recently named sugar the “worst food ingredient for your immune system,” in large part because consuming too much of it can contribute to insulin resistance and obesity, which increases inflammation in your body and causes damage to blood vessels.

While your immune system is busy tending to these areas, CNBC notes, “This creates a major distraction for the immune system and paves the way for dangerous bacteria and viruses to slip through our body’s defenses.” In fact, it’s been known since at least the 1970s that sugar weakens the immune system (while fasting strengthens it), and I recommend limiting added sugars to a maximum of 25 grams per day or 15 grams a day if you’re insulin resistant or diabetic.

But most health “experts” simply do not understand that seed oils are even worse than sugar. These fats become embedded in your cell membranes and stay there for about seven years, wreaking havoc on your health.

Not only are most of the omega-6s you eat, including seed oils, damaged and oxidized through processing, but even if they are unheated and pristine when consumed in any but small amounts, your body degrades them into free radicals that damage virtually every tissue in your body.

“Most of this linoleic acid, when it oxidizes, it develops lipid hydroperoxides and then these rapidly degenerate into … oxidized linoleic acid metabolites,” says Dr. Chris Knobbe, an ophthalmologist and the founder and president of the Cure AMD Foundation.

OXLAMs (oxidized linoleic acid metabolites) create a perfect storm, as they are cytotoxic, genotoxic, mutagenic, carcinogenic, atherogenic and thrombogenic, according to Knobbe. Their atherosclerosis and thrombogenic actions are especially concerning because they can produce strokes and clots, however metabolic dysfunction can also occur.

During the lipid peroxidation cascade caused by the excess consumption of omega-6 seed oils, PUFAs accumulate in your cell membranes, leading to a peroxidation reaction. Because there are so many reactive oxygen species it leads to the development of insulin resistance at the cellular level. OXLAMs are also toxic to the liver and are associated with inflammation, fibrosis and fatty liver disease in humans.5

Dr. Paul Saladino, a physician journalist, also explained in a podcast that linoleic acid “breaks the sensitivity for insulin at the level of your fat cells,” essentially making them more insulin sensitive — and, since your fat cells control the insulin sensitivity of the rest of your body by releasing free fatty acids, you end up with insulin resistance.

Linoleic Acid Drives Chronic Diseases, Worsens COVID-19

There’s virtually nothing more destructive to your body than seed oils in producing heart disease, cancer, age-related macular degeneration, diabetes, obesity and dementia. When I interviewed Tucker Goodrich, who developed an IT risk management system used by two of the largest hedge funds in the world, then transitioned into medical research, he explained that animals typically develop cancer once the linoleic acid in their diet reaches 4% to 10% of their energy intake.

Yet, most Americans get approximately 8% of their calories from seed oils. “So, we’re way over what these thresholds in the lab would suggest is a safe level of these fats based on the laboratory work in animals,” Goodrich said, adding:

“We’ve got this huge disconnect between what the lab science tells us we should be doing and what our dietary guidelines tell us we should be doing. The scientists are saying, ‘Oh, look, it’s poison. It causes all the chronic diseases,’ and the government’s saying, ‘Eat lots of it.’ That’s not a good thing.”

Data also indicate that COVID-19 mortality rates are heavily influenced by the amount of unsaturated fats you eat. Simply put, unsaturated fat intake is associated with increased mortality from COVID-19, while saturated fat intake lowers your risk of death. The authors noted that unsaturated fats “cause injury [and] organ failure resembling COVID-19.”

More specifically, unsaturated fats are known to trigger lipotoxic acute pancreatitis, and the sepsis and multisystem organ failure seen in severe cases of COVID-19 greatly resembles this condition. In short, linoleic acid contributes to the inflammatory domino effect that eventually kills some people with COVID-19. Goodrich explained:

“I did an enormous post on this, looking at the effects of LA [linoleic acid] in SARS COV-2 and SARS in general. SARS is a severe acute respiratory syndrome. SARS kills you by giving you acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).

ARDS can be caused by lots of different things, not just these viruses. You can get it from influenza. You can get it from inhaling acid into your lungs. What’s fascinating is the human literature is quite clear that you can induce ARDS through feeding seed oils.

Very sick people who can’t eat are fed intravenously. It’s called total parenteral nutrition (TPN). Generally, this is used through a product called Intralipid, which is made out of soybean oil and sugar. When you start to understand all this stuff, it’s just mind boggling. Doctors did an experiment after they noticed that a lot of their patients who came into the ICU and got TPN then subsequently got ARDS.

So, they started playing with what they were feeding them, and what they discovered was this soybean oil formula increased the patient’s rate of getting ARDS. The fatality rate from ARDS is 30% to 60%. Feeding seed oils increased the rate of ARDS by seven times.”

It’s Hidden in ‘Healthy’ Foods, Like Chicken and Olive Oil

Another reason why linoleic acid is so harmful is because it’s found in virtually every processed food, including restaurant foods, sauces and salad dressings. Many processed foods high in sugar also contain seed oils, which is why eliminating them from your diet is essential for improving and maintaining your health.

However, even if you cut out processed foods and skip sauces and salad dressings when you eat out, you may still be consuming too much seed oil because it’s hidden in “healthy” foods like chicken and pork. The problem is that these animals are fed grains that are high in linoleic acid, which makes the meat a major source as well. So if you’re eating chicken and pork, believing it to be good for you, you’re being misled.

Olive oil is another health food that’s a hidden source of linoleic acid; however, there are caveats. As Goodrich explained, the linoleic acid content of olive oil can vary significantly. “The percentages that I’ve seen quoted in literature range from 2%, which is awesome, to 22%, which is not good,” he said.

Olive oil also has the benefit of containing beneficial oleic acid, which is protective against both cardiolipin oxidation and LDL oxidation. Cardiolipin is a type of fat located in your mitochondria, and oxidation of cardiolipin is one of the things that controls autophagy.

By altering the composition of cardiolipin in your mitochondria to one that’s richer in omega-6 fats, you make it far more susceptible to oxidative damage. Goodrich cites research showing that when the linoleic acid in cardiolipin is replaced with oleic acid like that found in olive oil, the cardiolipin molecules become highly resistant to oxidative damage.

The other variable, however, is that olive oil is often cut with cheaper seed oils, which raises the linoleic acid content. So if you consume olive oil, I strongly recommend keeping close track of your total linoleic acid intake.

How Much Linoleic Acid Is Too Much?

Many now understand that your omega-6 to omega-3 ratio is very important, and should be about 1-to-1 or possibly up to 4-to-1, but simply increasing your omega-3 intake won’t counteract the damage done by excessive linoleic acid. You really need to minimize the omega-6 to prevent damage from taking place.

Ideally, consider cutting linoleic acid down to 2 or 3 grams per day, which is close to what our ancestors used to get before all of these chronic health conditions, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer, became widespread. If olive oil puts you over the limit, consider cooking with tallow or lard instead. Beef tallow is 46% oleic acid and lard is 36% oleic acid.

Remember, linoleic acid is considered an essential fat, so you don’t want to eliminate it entirely. It’s only when consumed in excessive amounts that linoleic acid acts as a metabolic poison — but virtually everyone is consuming excessive amounts.

What amount is “excessive”? Anything over 10 grams a day is likely to be problematic, although the exact cutoff is still unknown. In 1909, Americans ate 2 grams a day of vegetable oil, according to Knobbe, but by 2010 this had increased to 80 grams a day.10

If you’re not sure how much you’re eating, enter your food intake into Cronometer — a free online nutrition tracker — and it will provide you with your total linoleic acid intake. The key to accurate entry is to carefully weigh your food with a digital kitchen scale so you can enter the weight of your food to the nearest gram.

Cronometer will tell you how much omega-6 you’re getting from your food down to the 10th of a gram, and you can assume 90% of that is linoleic acid. Again, anything over 10 grams is likely to cause problems. Since there’s no downside to limiting your linoleic acid, you’ll want to keep it as low as possible, which you do by avoiding high-LA foods. This means eliminating all of the following oils:

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Other high-LA foods include chips fried in vegetable oil, commercial salad dressings and sauces, virtually all processed foods and any fried fast food, such as french fries. I’m currently writing a book on this topic as well, so stay tuned for more information about what I believe is likely the leading contributing cause of virtually all chronic diseases we’ve encountered over the last century.


Florida Doctor: Families Sneak Ivermectin to Loved Ones in Hospitals With COVID-19, See Improvement

By Nanette Holt January 26, 2022 Updated: January 26, 2022

Florida doctor says families of loved ones hospitalized with COVID-19 are resorting to desperate measures when approved treatments have failed.

And when it’s not too late, some have seen tremendous success by sneaking medications prohibited by hospitals to patients, says Eduardo Balbona, an independent internist in Jacksonville.

He’s helped dozens of seriously ill patients recover using ivermectin and other drugs and supplements not officially approved in the treatment of COVID-19, he says.

Hospitals receive payments from the federal government for treating patients with COVID-19. But those payments are tied to their use of approved treatments only, as outlined in the CARES Act. When there’s nothing left to try under those protocols, families naturally research alternatives,  Balbona says, often learning about treatments touted by independent physicians around the country.

Hoping to try anything that might work, families around the country have filed lawsuits asking judges to intervene.

In some cases, judges have ordered hospitals to allow the use of other treatments, such as ivermectin. Some of those seriously ill patients have recovered. In other cases, judges have sided with hospitals and declined the families’ requests to try. 

Meanwhile, independent physicians like Balbona watch helplessly, feeling that when families ask, they should be allowed to try medications they believe can turn critically ill patients around. But independent doctors often have limited hospital privileges and may be banned from seeing their own patients in some hospitals. 

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Eduardo Balbona, M.D., completed specialty training in internal medicine at the National Naval Medical Center and served as a physician at the U.S. Capitol, caring for senators, congressmen, and Supreme Court Justices. (Eduardo Balbona, M.D.)

That was the case recently for Balbona, who was contacted by a worried wife after she read in The Epoch Times about his involvement in another family’s lawsuit seeking to try his recommendations.

Based on what the woman told him, Balbona said he felt strongly her husband could recover if treated with the regimen he prescribes for seriously ill COVID-19 patients. The treatment protocol he follows, with slight modifications based on each patient’s needs, was developed by the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance. 

“The husband was very ill,” Balbona said. “He’s in his 50s, a big strong guy. She called me desperate because they gave him remdesivir [in the hospital] and she made them stop it, and he started getting worse and worse. And his oxygen demand went up.”

By the time she called Balbona for help, her husband needed 60 liters of oxygen per minute. That’s too high to manage at home, even with rented medical equipment, Balbona said.

“If you can get them down to 40 or 50 [liters per minute] you can do high-flow oxygen at that level,” Balbona told The Epoch Times. “That’s a lot of oxygen.”

He said he promised he’d try if her husband improved enough to go home. And then he’d take over managing his care. Meanwhile, he said, he gave her prescriptions, so she could collect the medications she’d need at home. That was on a Friday.

He learned later that she’d filled the prescriptions, took the medications to the hospital, and gave them to her husband. By Tuesday, the man was discharged and fully following the protocol Balbona prescribed. A few days later, he was off the oxygen. Now, he’s recovering, Balbona said. But they’re afraid to share their good news publicly.

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A medical worker treats a non Covid-19 patient in the ICU ward at UMass Memorial Medical Center in Worcester, Massachusetts on Jan. 4, 2022. (JOSEPH PREZIOSO/AFP via Getty Images)

“The people who snuck in the ivermectin… they are scared to death,” Balbona said. “She is sure that the government is going to find out who she is” and possibly arrest her for giving medications not approved by the hospital.

He said she told him, “I did it. I knew it was wrong. I don’t know what the penalties are. What could they do to me?”

And that’s the real crime, Balbona believes.

In New Hampshire, lawmakers now are considering legislation that would make the state the first in the country to make Ivermectin available as an over-the-counter medicine, and sanction it as a protected treatment for COVID-19. Similar bills in three other states have failed.

The bill’s sponsor,  Rep. Leah Cushman (R) is a registered nurse, who told The Epoch Times, “I have absolutely no doubt lives will be saved if human grade ivermectin was available to COVID patients.”

Two doctors testified about her proposed bill, warning the legislation could lead to dangerous side effects for people who use the drug. But Cushman believes she’ll have the votes to keep the bill moving toward becoming law.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved the use of ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19, though the drug is used in humans to treat a variety of conditions. 

An FDA web page warning against using ivermectin for COVID-19 also mentions that clinical trials investigating it as a treatment are ongoing.

The FDA has not responded to a Freedom of Information Act request (FOIA) asking for details about any reports of side effects related to the use of ivermectin — formulations for animals and humans —  to treat COVID-19. The agency also has not responded to a FOIA request for details about clinical trials and when the drug could reach the stage when its use under the Right To Try Act could be allowed.

Studies about the safety and efficacy of using ivermectin in the treatment for COVID-19 have led to all or part of 22 countries approving its use. But in the United States, doctors who rely on payments from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services aren’t allowed to use it. 

When Balbona heard about the proposed legislation, he immediately called two state senators, and two attorneys who are patients, suggesting that they propose similar legislation in Florida. Florida lawmakers currently are in session in Tallahassee through March 11.

“If we can get legislation to say, ‘Let the doctor do what he thinks is best,’ I think that would be wonderful,” Balbona said. “If New Hampshire can do this, why can’t we?”

Alice Giordano contributed to this report.

Here’s Why Rising Food Prices Are Here To Stay

January 26, 2022On the morning of October 5, 1789, dozens of women were looking for food at an outdoor market in the Faubourg Saint-Antoine neighborhood of Paris.But the store shelves were nearly empty. Bread in particular– a staple of the French diet– was in critically short supply. And what little bread the shops did have available was being sold for sky-high prices.This was nothing new for French peasants; the government had mismanaged the economy so poorly that food supplies had been falling (and bread prices rising) for several years.There had even been food riots and protests going back more than a decade to the mid 1770s. But the situation only worsened.People finally reached their breaking point that October morning in 1789, when a single young woman standing in corner of the marketplace began beating a drum, signaling the other women that it was time for another protest.As they marched through the streets, more and more supporters joined, with some estimates as high as 10,000 people.Their first stop was City Hall in Paris, located at the Hotel de Ville; there, officials opened grain reserves to feed the protesters. But the mob’s anger wasn’t quenched.At this point they didn’t just want bread, or even a single meal. They wanted revolution. So from there they set out to Versailles, the King’s palace outside of Paris.It took them about six hours to reach Versailles, where, that evening, King Louis XVI met personally with some of the protest leaders.He made promises to give them more food, then later announced that he would voluntarily relinquish some of his power and accept a new bill of rights for the French people.But the crowd still wasn’t satisfied.So around 6am the following morning, the protesters decided to enter the palace. Royal guards barely resisted this insurrection; they shot one protester, and one guard was killed.But for the most part, people were easily able to access the inside of the palace where they freely wandered the halls as if enjoying a museum tour.By 1pm the protesters’ leadership had found the king and demanded that he accompany them back to Paris. He agreed.The march back took roughly 9 hours, and it had the feeling of a parade. The crowd (which had grown to 60,000 by that point) was overjoyed, because it was clear that the King was at their mercy. And they were the ones in control.There are so many similar examples throughout human history, and they all lead to the same conclusion: don’t screw up the food supply.Politicians can get away with an astonishing level of corruption and incompetence, and their citizens will tolerate it. But if enough people struggle to put food on the table for their families, trouble is coming.Any politician with half a brain understands this lesson. Sadly it’s not clear if the people in charge today even have half a brain.Inflation has been rising for nearly a year. None of the so-called experts saw it coming. Even when inflation was obvious, their approach was to gaslight people and deny it.Then they told us that inflation was “transitory”.Then when they finally admitted it was a problem, they said they’d consider doing something about it in a few months.After its two-day meeting this week, officials from the Federal Reserve are expected to announce that they’re FINALLY going to take some action to combat inflation… in MARCH.So just sit tight another month and a half. Hallelujah!Unfortunately, any action the Fed takes at this point is “too little, too late”.Today’s inflation is the result of a number of factors– demand, supply, and money.On the demand side, the federal government literally deposited cash in people’s bank accounts, fueling a surge in consumer spending.Yet on the supply side, they closed businesses, told people to stay home, and compelled companies to fire millions of heretical workers.The end result is fewer goods and services being produced, at a time when people have more money to spend and the appetite to do so. This is what has caused rising prices.Yet on top of this mess, the Federal Reserve has been supercharging inflation by shoveling money into the US economy by the trillion.Now they’re promising to reduce their money printing and promise to have a few tiny, symbolic interest rate increases.Sorry, but this won’t really move the needle, especially when it comes to food.Most people would be surprised at how labor intensive agriculture is. Certainly there are a number of crops (especially grain) that are fully mechanized throughout the entire process– planting, maintenance, harvest, and distribution.But many key food products require significant manpower at some point in the chain.Meat, for example, is very labor intensive because of the number of people required to run a pack house operation.And many staple fruits and vegetables require an army of harvest workers to hand pick the produce.So now, because of Covid (and the government response to Covid) pack houses in the US are struggling to maintain staff. And finding enough harvest workers in America has become borderline impossible.There’s also a major problem in US agriculture that so many farm costs, from fertilizers to fuel to even packing materials (like cardboard and plastic containers) are soaring. And these costs are all obviously passed on to consumers.Container ports also continue to be a major bottleneck, as meat, fruit, vegetables imported from overseas are literally rotting off the coast of California.Increasing interest rates by 0.25% is not going to fix any of these issues. It won’t clear the ports, and it won’t bring the workers back.Fortunately it’s not 1789 anymore. And even though capitalism is on the ropes, there’s enough of it remaining for now to prevent dire food shortages.Talented people around the world are working very hard to ensure that quality food is being grown and delivered to consumers, despite every obstacle the government puts in their way.So I’m not suggesting that food riots are imminent.But rising prices? Absolutely. And that’s going to have serious implications for political leadership.It’s interesting that the French Revolution is typically considered to have begun on July 14, 1789; that’s the day that revolutionaries stormed the Bastille armory in Paris. And its anniversary remains one of the most important national holidays in France today.But back in 1789, the response to the storming of the Bastille was fairly tame.Thomas Jefferson, for example, was coincidentally stationed in Paris in the summer of 1789 and witnessed everything.He wrote to John Jay on July 19th, just five days after the storming of the Bastille, “Tranquillity is now restored to the Capital: the shops are again opened; the people resuming their labours, and, if the want of bread does not disturb our peace, we may hope a continuance of it.”So even Jefferson, who was incredibly astute, didn’t think that the storming of the Bastille was the start of a full blown revolution.It was only until three months later, when an angry mob had literally taken control of the King, did everyone realize the truth: people want change, and they’re not messing around.And it all started because of the price (and scarcity) of bread.To your freedom,
Simon Black,

Doctor’s Organization Has Treated Over 150,000 COVID-19 Patients With 99.99 Percent Survival

‘Early Treatment Works, Period’

By Meiling Lee January 26, 2022 Updated: January 26, 2022

A doctor who has been offering free telehealth services to COVID-19 patients during the pandemic says that early treatment for COVID-19 works, claiming that he has a 99.99 percent survival rate.

“We have a team of volunteer free doctors that donate their time to help treat these patients that come to us,” Dr. Ben Marble, the founder of, an online medical consultation service, said at a roundtable discussion hosted by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) on Jan. 24.

He added, “We deliver the early treatment protocols to them as early as we can, and we have a 99.99 percent survival rate. So, I believe, the free volunteered doctors have settled the science on this—early treatment works, period!”

Marble was answering Johnson’s question about what people can do if they or their loved ones have COVID-19.

People can visit the website, create an account, and fill out a patient intake form if the doctors are accepting new patients for that day. One of the doctors will then reach out in less than 24 hours. With a huge demand for their services, the physicians say they can only “accept a certain number of patients each day.”

Marble says that he and his small team of volunteer doctors prescribe [Dr. Peter] McCullough’s treatment protocol, which consists of hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, monoclonal antibodies, prednisone, and other low-cost generic drugs. They also prescribe vitamins D and C, and zinc.

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Vitamin C bottles were on display in Miami, Florida on June 15, 2001. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

McCullough, a cardiologist, and epidemiologist, along with several physicians put together an early treatment protocol to provide outpatient care for COVID-19 patients. Their paper was published in The American Journal of Medicine in August 2020.

Dr. Pierre Kory, a pulmonologist and the President at the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care (FLCCC) Alliance, says that the public is not aware that there are doctors across the country who will provide telehealth and early treatment for COVID-19.

“On our website, we have a button, which says find a provider. We’ve tried to collect as many telehealth providers that treat all states in the country,” Kory said.

“We are trying to let that message be known because that message is being suppressed that this disease is treatable,” he added.

Kory also claims that there is corruption at the federal level in suppressing early treatment with repurposed cheap drugs and their availability and that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been “captured by the pharmaceutical industry.”

“The corruption is because they don’t want you to use off-label, repurposed generic medicines. It does not provide profit to the system,” Kory said, adding that, “you know what’s going on in this country right now, is that the CDC has been captured by the pharmaceutical industry.”

“They sent out a memo in August of 2021, they sent out a similar memo back in the spring 2020, telling the nation’s physicians and pharmacists not to use generic medicines.”

The Epoch Times has reached out to the CDC for comment.

Early treatments were and continue to be discouraged by the CDC, whose guidance since the beginning of the pandemic up until January 2022, only focused on people self-quarantining for 14 days, keeping hydrated, taking analgesics, and only seeking hospital care when they can’t breathe or turn blue. They also warned people to not take any medications not approved for COVID-19.

“People have been seriously harmed and even died after taking products not approved for use to treat or prevent COVID-19, even products approved or prescribed for other uses,” the CDC wrote on its potential treatments webpage.

The weblink provided for the alleged harmful product was related to a March 2020 health alert warning of a serious health effect from ingesting non-pharmaceutical chloroquine phosphate used to clean fish tanks. This alert came after an Arizona man and his wife took the non-pharmaceutical drug in an attempt to self-medicate for COVID-19.

For the past two years, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has only authorized limited early outpatient treatments for COVID-19 that include monoclonal antibodies for high-risk patients and antiviral pills from Merck and Pfizer. However, the FDA on Jan. 24 announced it was limiting the use of Eli Lilly and Regeneron monoclonal antibodies only to patients “likely to have been infected with or exposed to a variant that is susceptible to these treatments.”

Johnson held the roundtable discussion to offer a different perspective on the response to the pandemic, including on “the current state of knowledge of early and hospital treatment, vaccine efficacy and safety, what went right, what went wrong, what should be done now, and what needs to be addressed long term.”

The discussion panel consisted of renowned health experts and scientists that included McCullough, Dr. Robert Malone, and Dr. Paul Marik.

According to a press release, Johnson also invited over a dozen prominent figures involved in developing, promoting, and leading the pandemic response, including the CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky and White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Jeffrey Zients. All of the individuals declined to attend the forum.