Stunning finding reveals autism is highest in areas with the highest vaccination rates

Image: Stunning finding reveals autism is highest in areas with the highest vaccination rates

(Natural News) The surge of autism diagnoses in recent years has left many people looking for an explanation. Oft-labeled a “conspiracy theory,” or something to that effect, the suspicion that vaccines are a potential cause of autism is on the rise. New research from the Canadian government has indirectly shown that in highly vaccinated populations, autism rates are noticeably higher. These shocking findings are sure to leave vaccine propagandists reeling while they try to somehow discredit the findings of a government agency.

As The World Mercury Project reports, Canada ranks in the “top 10” countries for autism rates. In 2018, it was revealed that 1 in 66 Canadian children were on the autism spectrum, based on data collected in 2015.

The Public Health Agency of Canada even crafted the “National ASD Surveillance System,” or NASS, to track the number of people diagnosed with autism. The system was intended to provide a look at autism diagnoses “both across regions and over time.”

The agency’s efforts proved successful, showing a steady increase in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnoses since 2003 — as well as substantial differences from region to region.

As The World Mercury Project explains, six provinces British Columbia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Quebec and one Canadian territory (Yukon) were featured in the research.

The three regions with the highest autism prevalence were Newfoundland and Labrador (1 in 57), Prince Edward Island (1 in 59) and Quebec (1 in 65). Comparatively, the Yukon boasted significantly lower rates of autism, at just 1 in 125.

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Moreover, the provinces with the highest rates of autism seem to have experienced a massive increase in ASD diagnoses in recent years. Newfoundland and Labrador went from 6 to 19.6 per 1,000 — a 227 percent increase, while Prince Edward Island went from 5 to 17.7 per 1,000 — marking a 254 percent increase. Most shocking, however, is the data from Quebec, which shows that ASD diagnoses went from 3.5 to 15.7 per 1,000 — a staggering 349 percent increase.

Vaccine dogma blocks any legitimate scientific analysis that might show vaccine safety to be less than perfect

One health practitioner has dared to speak out, after noticing an undeniable “coincidence” among the provinces: Those with the highest rates of autism also have the highest rates of vaccination.

As Dr. Zimmerman, from British Columbia, notes, there was a report on vaccination coverage in Canadian kids published back in 2013 — just two years before the data for the ASD survey was collected.

And what do you know: At that time, Newfoundland and Labrador had the highest rates of vaccination, while the Yukon had the lowest. Now data also shows that Newfoundland and Labrador have the highest rates of autism, while the Yukon seems to have the lowest. Who would have thought?

While correlation does not always equal causation, the fact of the matter is that this is an association worth investigating. Moreover, countless parents have reported a sudden change in their child post-vaccination — which to any scientist worth their salt, should at least be cause for concern.

Sadly, vaccine dogma has become so ingrained in our society that the very notion of even questioning vaccine safety is seen as an outrageous act of total lunacy. Indeed, those who dare to even suggest that vaccines contain harmful ingredients are labeled as “crackpots,” “conspiracy theorists” and deniers of “real” science. In a truly Orwellian fashion, anyone who posits that vaccines have the potential to harm children is labeled “anti-science.”

In reality, the belief that vaccines are completely innocuous is what’s “anti-science,” as it disregards the mountains of evidence that vaccines can and do harm children every year. Who’s really benefiting from all this vaccine totalitarianism? (Related: Stay up to date on the latest vaccine truths at or

Sources for this article include: [PDF]

♪Claude Debussy – La fille aux cheveux de lin

La fille aux cheveux de lin is a musical composition by French composer Claude Debussy. It is the eighth of the composer’s Préludes, Book I (1909-1910). The title is in French and translates roughly to “The Girl with the Flaxen Hair”. The piece is 39 bars long and lasts about two and a half minutes. It is one of the most recorded of Debussy’s pieces, both in its original version and various arrangements. It is in the key of G♭ major.  Performed by Jacques Rouvier

Another lovely rendition by Lang Lang:

Claude Debussy, Preludes (Book I) VIII. La Fille aux cheveux de lin Concert recorded at Philharmonie de Paris – Philharmonie 2 (former Cité de la musique) (Paris, France), on March 30, 2001.

Full concert here:


NOT Russia! WADA spills the truth: Worst doping violators are Italy, France, USA, Australia, Belgium

What we knew all along! Yet Russia’s the one getting vilified on MSM, I’m surprised that WADA would even release the truth given how corrupt they are! The doping coverup for US athletes are well known.

Futurist Trendcast

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has published the Anti-Doping Rules Violations report for 2016 featuring 1,595 confirmed doping cases involving athletes representing 117 countries.


  1. Italy
  2. France
  3. USA
  4. Australia
  5. Belgium

India and Russia are in 6th position.

And this result is considering the wholesale war against Russian sport and fabricated doping accusations against Russian athletes! This also is considering the fact that Russian athletes have been on average tested 6 to 10 times more that anyone else! I wonder what the results would have been if US, Australian, French and other athletes would have been tested equally as frequently!

This one is especially nauseating – just imagine the depth of corruption and fallacy in the WEST!

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The Importance of Victory Day, The Immortal Regiment, St. George Ribbon – AND GLOBALIST PLAN FIASCO!

Futurist Trendcast

animation den pobedy


This is an important analytics + intel + info post!


I am inspired to write yet another Ask Lada, in response to the astute comment by Robert. See latest: EARTH SHIFT: Why Those Who Profit from the Old System Don’t Realize the Game’s Up?)

As Robert correctly pointed out, it’s time for the iconic Russian Ribbon of St. George (Rus: Georgievskaya Lentochka)! It really is the time to order it (see some links below) if you want to show solidarity with Russia and honor the Victory Day on May 9! But there is so much to the story, and so much can be learned by contemplating everything that is happening around the symbolism of this simple gold and black…

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A New History Begins Now: North Korea Meets South Korea! Lada Ray Analysis and Calibrations!

Futurist Trendcast

Eugene commented: Would be great to have your take and latest calibrations of the Korean leaders and denuclearization agreement!

See my Feb 23, 2018 post: 

Quantum Calibrations of Kim Jong-Un & N. Korea

Apr 27, 2018:

Video: A new history starts now’: Leaders of two Koreas meet for 1st time in more than decade

This is very good news!

As you recall from my 2/23/18 post on Kim/N.Korea calibrations, the calibrations of Kim were on the 180-150 level, which made me conclude (although to me it was clear without calibrations) that he was neither suicidal, nor a maniac, as the West has portrayed him.

He was shamelessly provoked by Trump and US and he responded in the best way he could, under the circumstances. In the end, it was N. Korea and Kim’s victory over Trump.

Let me repeat this: the young Kim and tiny N. Korea upped the stakes…

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General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned – Seven Countries In Five Years

Oldies but goodies!

General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned – Seven Countries In Five Years

Also back in 2013, President Putin warned about the fate of Syria:

The Project for the New American Century (PNAC) was a neo-conservative think tank that operated between 1997 and 2006. It openly advocated for the total global military domination by the United States. PNAC members held the highest-level positions in the George W. Bush administration, including Robert Kagan (husband of Victoria Nuland) , Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, and others. PNAC is noteworthy for its focus on Iraq, a preoccupation that began before Bush became president and predates the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 (Which begs the question – how authentic was 9/11?) Some of the members of PNAC, such as Vin Weber, were also government lobbyists for military industrial companies such as Lockheed Martin, and other Fortune 500 companies. The more war, the higher the profits…. In this outtake, Vladimir Putin talks about arming terrorists in one MENA country (Middle Eastern and North African), yet fighting against them in another – “Where is the logic?” – he asks. However, if you look at it from the perspective that the intention was never to rehabilitate, but to destabilise – then it is all very logical indeed. If it suddenly seems to you that all of this is happening deliberately – that’s because it is. At the end of the clip, I have included the infamous 2007 speech by ex-NATO General Wesley Clark, on the US plan “to take down 7 countries in 5 years.” They may not have met their deadline, but we are now assured that Clark was not making it up. Mr Clark himself commanded the NATO-led Kosovo War.

LADA RAY’S NEW ANALYTICAL PIECE! As Predicted! Global Power Shift: Russia and China Forge Even Closer Alliance!

Trump is acting stranger and more erratic. Did you see the fake “bromance” between him and Macron? It’s all a reality show for the MSM who package it neatly for the mindless sheeple. Yum… pablum puke!

The world is a creepy place… mommy I need my Pookie!

Futurist Trendcast

What a huge mistake Trump has made with his strike against Syria and this faux pas will cost him in the long run! As I predicted since 2016: his straitjacket and pressure from Dark State wouldn’t let him behave any other way. Whichever way he turns – more problems and no good solutions.

After Trump’s Syria disaster the US Congress is considering taking away from the president the nuclear ‘red button’ and his ability to decide unilaterally where and when to strike.

Need I mention that Skripal/Salisbury false flag completely fell apart on its masterminds, and this is only the beginning. There is more to the story, to do with Brexit trouble (ALSO 100% AS I PREDICTED HERE!) and May’s tenure, vs. Jeremy Corbyn. I’ll talk about it soon as well – stay tuned for PATREON post.

Meanwhile, US allies start furtively looking for favors elsewhere, most notably in…

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