Psychotic Episode (I Have No Ego)

Wow, absolutely brilliant excerpt! The ego is an assumed identity used to root us within this realm, a functional necessity. Extreme egotism (narcissism) and schizophrenia disassociation with “reality” are polar ends of the psychological spectrum. Really fascinating study of the human experience re: mental perception and ego.


I have no ego. . . my psychotic episode.

The schizophrenic experiences a stunning barrage of continuous, horrifying symptoms: auditory hallucinations, delusions, ideas of reference, paranoia, etc. The “indescribable severe torture” is unrelenting and can go on except during sometimes restless sleep, at whichtime the symptoms are even active when one becomes conscious at all. This experience is so overwhelming it is beyond the imagination. It cannot be conceived of intellectually. By its very nature it in fact necessitates the concept of religion in order to relate to it at all. This continuous experience of psychotic symptoms can be viewed as “spiritual exercises in perfection”. The effect on the schizophrenic is similar to that of monks when practicing their rituals in monasteries. When these spirited exercises become a lifestyle for the schizophrenic (lasting 8-10 years) with no real evidence given to the schizophrenic that he will ever recover, a fascinating…

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Buddha and the Hidden Universe

Thanks for the reminder, “Buddhists are aiming at enlightenment, part and parcel of which is universal compassion — the mind that wishes to protect each and every living being from suffering and its causes.”
Honestly, I’ve never considered insects to suffer as much as they do, but if they feel pain then I’m sure they are self aware and suffer to that extent, just as every sentient being alive. We truly are all one, all inclusive, everything. ♥

Buddhism in Daily Life

BuddhaToday, September 22, is Buddha’s Return from Heaven Day, one of my favorite anniversaries of the Buddhist calendar. This is why I like it:

“On this day we celebrate Buddha’s return from the desire god realm called Land of the Thirty-three Heavens, where he had been to visit his mother who had been reborn there.

Traditionally this day also marks the end of the summer retreat. Every year, during the summer months, Buddha did a three-month retreat with his disciples. His reason for doing this was to avoid harming insects and other animals.

If we go out a lot during the summer months we will naturally kill more insects and other animals than at other times of the year. The nature of Buddhadharma is compassion – an unbiased compassion that is not just for human beings but for every living being, including animals.” ~ From a talk by Geshe Kelsang…

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Killing the Buddha!

Killing the Buddha

If you meet the Buddha, kill him. (逢佛殺佛,逢祖殺祖)

Thinking about the Buddha as an entity or deity is delusion, not awakening. One must destroy the preconception of the Buddha as separate and external before one can become internally as their own Buddha. Zen master Shunryu Suzuki wrote in Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind during an introduction to Zazen,

Kill the Buddha if the Buddha exists somewhere else. Kill the Buddha, because you should resume your own Buddha nature.

One is only able to see a Buddha as he exists in separation from Buddha, the mind of the practitioner is thus still holding onto apparent duality.



What People Want and Vladimir Putin’s Message

Very good point Lada, people of the world only want peace, President Putin is the real deal. Politics aside, he’s a Peace President, calling for rational minds to prevail, calming the political tensions flamed by Obama (who seems to be possessed by the corporatocracy. Make no mistake, war was always about the money. War & Greed, the twin pillars of Western “democracy”. Just google “John Perkins: Confessions of an Economic Hit Man”
How the US exploits foreign counties by Debt, Murder and War:

Lada Ray Blog

This is the kind of time when keeping silence is not possible as some are trying to “lead” us to World War III. I refuse to pollute my beautiful #LadaRayBlog with the names of those ugly excuses for human beings in the US government, congress, as well as other countries who are implicated in doing so. I think everyone already knows who they are. If not, the information is out there for all to see and to make conclusions accordingly.

Due to a very busy time in my life, I have not been able to post new videos. However, I have a lot to say on the subject. Expect new vids on Lada Ray YT channel, as well as new posts on Futurist Trendcast blog. I will analyse the situation and make new predictions.

Till then, here is a message of reason, peace and hope from the Russian 

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Living in Our Own Illusions

Ties into this whole Buddhist notion that “there’s only one of us here”. There’s only God knowing thyself through “us” via consciousness – from a human perspective – “mind games”. LOL. That’s why the universe is also referred to as the great cosmic joke. Lila certainly is DIVINE. 😀

The Rose…

Et mon amie la rose ♥

Blueprints for Butterflies

the rose

The Rose is the Alchemist who changes everything to Gold.  It is the Highest form of Divine Love and once it touches you your Light will shine Ever brighter.  We all have challenges in Life for if we didn’t we wouldn’t learn and grow so what would be the point of BEing Alive in the first place?  The key is how we move through the challenges and obstacles that come our way and what it leaves us with on the other side.  The obvious choice is to just roll with it and have a little Fun along the way if possible, and it’s always possible.

As the winds of change whisper through our Mother Earth and into our dreams we are beginning to Awaken from this deep slumber into a world unrecognizable to many of us.  It’s hard sometimes not to wonder how it was missed or didn’t quite register…

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Russian President Putin Personally Writes to the American People: A Plea for Caution from Russia Over Syria

Finally a voice of reason. I don’t know who the next Prez will be… but “I WANT THAT GUY!” ☼

Openhearted Rebellion

Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.

vladimir_putin_586x330By Vladimir V. Putin, President of Russia, NY Times – September 11, 2013

MOSCOW — Recent events surrounding Syria have prompted me to speak directly to the American people and their political leaders.

It is important to do so at a time of insufficient communication between our societies.

Relations between us have passed through different stages. We stood against each other during the cold war. But we were also allies once, and defeated the Nazis together. The universal international organization — the United Nations — was then established to prevent such devastation from ever happening again.

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Syrian killed Syrians!

Mr. President, are you fully conscious of your actions? Who’s really pulling your strings, because you didn’t start out as a “war president”.
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss…

The Tale Of Bitter Truth

Syrian killed Syrians!

So now we must kill Syrians to send them message not to kill Syrians!


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