NEW! NOW LIVE! Earth Shift Report 20: Earth Shift Battleground SYRIA (truth on Russia, USA, Iran, Turkey, Israel, China)

Thanks for this timely update, shocking landscape of Syria has changed so dramatically! Great intel as usual Lada.

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New Developments! Truth on Russia, USA, Turkey, Iran, Israel, China – regional & world powers clash!

​This may be one of the last and final Earth Shift Reports!
Your generous donations support FuturisTrendcast & Lada Ray’s free educational and enlightening work!

Throughout this extensive report the exclusive intel from Russia, Syria, Turkey and Israel is revealed, complete with Lada Ray exclusive predictions on Syria, the Earth Shift evolution and the future of Russian vs US influence in the key Mediterranean – Middle East region!



Summary: Russia’s campaign in Syria 2015-2017, Putin’s victory announcement and results
US/West’s unprecedented pressure on Russia as a response to Syria & why it never worked
​Russian Elections element and how it correlates with Syria victory and other events
Putin – the new Tsar of the Middle East, and Russia – the new preferred moderator
How USA’s waning as…

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Hacker news: Phone-Cracking Firm Found a Way to Unlock Any iPhone Model


Remember the infamous encryption fight between Apple and the FBI for unlocking an iPhone belonging to a terrorist behind the San Bernardino mass shooting that took place two years ago?

After Apple refused to help the feds access data on the locked iPhone, the FBI eventually paid over a million dollar to a third-party company for unlocking the shooter’s iPhone 5c.

Now, it appears that the federal agency will not have to fight Apple over unlocking iPhones since the Israeli mobile forensics firm Cellebrite has reportedly figured out a way to unlock almost any iPhone in the market, including the latest iPhone X.

Cellebrite, a major security contractor to the United States law enforcement agencies, claims to have a new hacking tool for unlocking pretty much every iPhone running iOS 11 and older versions, Forbes reports.

In its own literature [PDF] “Advanced Unlocking and Extraction Services,” Cellebrite says its services can break the security of “Apple iOS devices and operating systems, including iPhone, iPad, iPad mini, iPad Pro and iPod touch, running iOS 5 to iOS 11.”

Citing anonymous sources, the publication reported that Cellebrite could also unlock the iPhone 8, and since the security across Apple’s newest iPhone devices worked in much the same way, the company can break the security of the iPhone X as well.

Besides Apple’s devices, Cellebrite can also break into Google Android-powered smartphones from Samsung (Galaxy and Note series), Alcatel, Google Nexus, HTC, Huawei, LG, Motorola, ZTE and many more.

“Cellebrite Advanced Unlocking Services is the industry’s only solution for overcoming many types of complex locks on market-leading devices,” Cellebrite literature explains.

“This can determine or disable the PIN, pattern, password screen locks or passcodes on the latest Apple iOS and Google Android devices.”

Last November, the Department of Homeland Security reportedly managed to get into an iPhone X owned by a suspect in an arms trafficking case, probably with the help of a Cellebrite-trained specialist.

However, a warrant discovered by Forbes does not mention the method or technology used by law enforcement to hack into the iPhone X.

Founded in 1999, Cellebrite provides digital forensics tools and software for mobile phones to its customers, which also includes the US government.

One of its main products is the Universal Forensic Extraction Device (UFED) that claims to help investigators extract all data and passwords from mobile phones.

While the Cellebrite’s iPhone hacking tool has the potential to affect hundreds of millions of Apple users, Apple also rolls out software updates and patches on a regular basis.

So users are advised to keep their devices up-to-date, as its hard to say if the company’s hacks work on the latest updates of iOS 11.

Neither Cellebrite nor Apple immediately commented on the latest report.

Swati - Hacking News
Technical Writer, Security Blogger and IT Analyst. She is a Technology Enthusiast with a keen eye on the Cyberspace and other tech related developments.

GREAT BALANCER WEEKLY: Happy February 23, The Day of the Russian Army and Defender of the Motherland!

Sweet! I love the classic soviet symbolism, awesome how old soviet memorabilia are now collectibles fetching big bucks on Ebay! Do you think Lenin’s turning in his grave? 🙂

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GREAT BALANCER WEEKLY Marathon continues!

Hot Africa in Cool Siberia – Celebrating the Day of the Russian Army!

It is also known as the Day of the Defender (Protector) of the Motherland, or simply 23 Fevralia (February 23)


Post card: Best wishes to Russian men, defenders of the Motherland, from Russian women: ‘Be wise, honest and courageous, don’t be afraid to love. I wish to you -and that’s important – to be a real man.’


23 Fevralia postcard. Masha says Happy Russian Army Day to Medved’. From the hit Russian cartoon series Masha i Medved’ (Masha and the Bear).

23-fevralya Masha i Medved

IT’S HOT TODAY IN SIBERIA! – 23 Fevralia (Feb 23), 2018, The Day of the Defender of the Motherland Parade in Omsk, Siberia. A regiment from Angola, dressed in Russian field uniforms, performs a sparkling African march-dance!

Putin – 23 Fevralia 2018 speech: Russian Officer Is A Real Mentor, A Demanding…

View original post 107 more words


The invention of the chair was really a total game changer in regards to how our bodies function and which parts of the body we are using on a regular basis. The chair took all of that pressure off of our rears and backs, and relieved some of our weight for us. Of course, we always had the option to sit on the ground or perhaps in a tree, but the chair became such a fundamental piece of furniture in our lives that it absolutely changed how our bodies function.

By now, most of us are aware of just how detrimental it can be to our bodies to sit for a prolonged period of time, in fact, some researchers are even going as far as to say that sitting is the new smoking in terms of the potential damage it can cause to our bodies. With so many of us, myself included, working desk jobs on computers this really is important information to be aware of. Sitting is wreaking havoc on our bodies. Luckily, as the awareness grows towards this important health issue, we are seeing many new designs for standing desks, or things like core chairs that are aimed to utilize the muscles in our body and effectively relieve the issues that too much sitting can cause. But is there a much simpler option that humans have forgotten?

How The Forgotten Art Of Squatting Can Help You

Squatting is essentially a position of the body that humans have used for thousands of years, and in many cultures is still being used today. If you practice yoga, you might know this position as a Malasana, which is essentially a deep squat. A yoga instructor once said that a guru told them that “the problem with the west is that they don’t squat.” This is so true, if you aren’t someone who practices yoga or – does squats during a workout, when are you really going to squat? If we feel like taking a rest, we’re definitely choosing the chair or the big comfy couch before squatting down. We eat in chairs, sit in our cars and on the train, sit on the toilet – essentially, we are often only not sitting when we are walking from one chair to the next. In fact, many of us probably couldn’t even squat down to the ground if we tried, not without some serious stretching first at least.

Our lack of squatting has bio-mechanical and physiological implications, but perhaps it is inhibiting us from the grounding force that this posture provides as well. The lack of squatting is actually only really an issue for the westernized civilizations as there are many cultures around the world that are squatting down any chance they get, to eat, to pray, to use the toilet – yes, squatting toilets are the norm in Asia, and actually make way more sense. Squatting, in more undeveloped nations is also the most common way for women to give birth, and again when you really think about it, it also makes much more sense than lying on your back in a hospital bed.

In these “less advanced” cultures, the rich and middle class are not squatting either, as it is generally seen as something that the poor do as it is uncomfortable and actually causes the body to work. Have you ever heard the expression, “If you don’t use it, you lose it”? Well, this can be said in regards to squatting because if you were to give it a try now, you may find it very difficult, especially for a prolonged period of time. But, our bodies are amazing organisms and they can always transform.

According to author and osteopath, Philip Beach, “The game started with squatting,”  Beach is known for pioneering the idea of “archetypal postures.” These positions—which, in addition to a deep passive squat with the feet flat on the floor, include sitting cross-legged and kneeling on one’s knees and heels—are not just good for us, but according to beach they are  “deeply embedded into the way our bodies are built.”

“You really don’t understand human bodies until you realize how important these postures are,” Beach, who is based in Wellington, New Zealand, tells me. “Here in New Zealand, it’s cold and wet and muddy. Without modern trousers, I wouldn’t want to put my backside in the cold wet mud, so  [in absence of a chair] I would spend a lot of time squatting. The same thing with going to the toilet. The whole way your physiology is built is around these postures.”

Why Is Squatting Good For Us?

According to Dr. Bahram Jam, founder of Advanced Physical Therapy Education Institute in Ontario, Canada, “Every joint in our body has synovial fluid in it. This is the oil in our body that provides nutrition to the cartilage,” Jam says. “Two things are required to produce that fluid: movement and compression. So if a joint doesn’t go through its full range—if the hips and knees never go past 90 degrees—the body says ‘I’m not being used’ and starts to degenerate and stops the production of synovial fluid.”

A healthy musculoskeletal system is much more important for our health than just helping us to feel limber, strong and flexible, a study published in 2014 from the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology found that those participants who had a difficult time getting up off the floor without support of hands, elbows or leg remarkably resulted in having a three-year-year shorter life expectancy than those who got up with ease.

So, Why Did We Stop Squatting?

It seems that in the West, we stopped squatting around the same time as the modern seated toilet came into our existence. It might not seem like this alone would be a cause for such a drastic change to our physiology, but as Jam says, “The reason squatting is so uncomfortable because we don’t do it,” Jam says. “But if you go to the restroom once or twice a day for a bowel movement and five times a day for bladder function, that’s five or six times a day you’ve squatted.”

As we sit in our office chairs, staring at our computers in our office attire, for men slacks and dress shirts and often for women pencil skirts and dresses – can you even imagine trying to squat or sit cross-legged? Both of which would be much better for our health than sitting in chairs. It’s interesting how we seem to think we’ve come so far, and that we are much more civilised and advanced, but really we aren’t doing ourselves any favors with this arrogant attitude.

“It’s considered primitive and of low social status to squat somewhere,” says Jam. “When we think of squatting we think of a peasant in India, or an African village tribesman, or an unhygienic city floor. We think we’ve evolved past that—but really we’ve devolved away from it.”

Time To Start Squatting?

If you can, practice squatting down a few times a day. If you can’t, start by stretching your body and getting down as low as you can, if you are very rigid, it may take time, but doing some light stretching or yoga daily can assist you with this process. It is very good for our health! Especially if you are sitting on a chair all day at your place of employment, you might want to consider setting a reminder on your phone to remind you to get up and squat down at least a few times a day.

All the best!

In 2015, a Scandinavian study found no increased risk for Multiple Sclerosis or demyelinating disease among 4 million females, of whom 800,000 received the HPV vaccination.

But at a recent forum in San Diego, researchers presented two cases of multiple sclerosis (MS) that had developed in teenagers after receiving Gardasil, the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine.

The study author Ye Hu reported on 2 teens who experienced MS symptoms 1 to 2 weeks after receiving the vaccination.

A 14-year-old male started to experience left retro-orbital pain and blurred vision in the left eye 2 weeks after receiving his third dose of Gardasil. He was diagnosed with left optic neuritis and reported a second occurrence 2 months after his initial symptoms.

A 17-year-old female started to experience blurred vision in the right eye 2 weeks after receiving her first dose of Gardasil. A right frontal enhancing lesion was seen on brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). She was diagnosed with right optic neuritis and did not receive further doses of Gardasil. One week after discharge, she experienced intermittent numbness and weakness in her lower extremities in addition to blurred vision in her right eye. A repeat brain MRI revealed a new left parieto-occipital enhancing lesion.

It is pleasing to read of this research, which is the start of much more to come and signals an opening up of a conversation that acknowledges the problems associated with the HPV vaccines manifesting in thousands of adverse events and hundreds of deaths occurring after the vaccination.

According to VAERS, the CDC’s vaccine adverse event reporting system, there have been 53 cases of multiple sclerosis reported after vaccination with Gardasil and two following the new HPV vaccine Gardasil 9. This is the tip of the iceberg as very few adverse events are reported with most people ignorant of where or how they are to go about the process of having their adverse health event recorded. Then there’s the problem of determining if symptoms of an adverse event are causally linked to vaccines or a coincidence.

Canadian researchers, Lucija Tomljenovic and Christopher A Shaw, note that there are no conclusive tests available to determine whether adverse events are causally linked to vaccinations. They discuss the fact that many of the symptoms reported to the various reporting systems following HPV vaccination point to a diagnosis of cerebral vasculitis (inflammation of blood vessels in the brain) but are not recognized as such. Symptoms of cerebral vasculitis include:

  • intense persistent migraines
  • syncope
  • seizures
  • tremors and tingling
  • myalgia
  • locomotor abnormalities
  • psychotic symptoms and cognitive deficits

The symptoms of multiple sclerosis can also be similar to those of other diseases such as acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) and include problems with coordination and speech, sight difficulties, fatigue and weakness.

In my book Gardasil: Fast-Tracked and Flawed I relate the experience of Kristin Clulow, a 26-year-old Australian woman who after her second shot of Gardasil found her health beginning to unravel in a devastating way.

It started with a temporary loss of vision and mobility problems that made it impossible for her to run, jump, dance or wear her beloved heels. Then her handwriting failed her: “Handwriting just doesn’t suddenly go,” she cried. Worse was to come when Kristin’s  speech became slurred: “They thought I’d had a stroke.”

Kristin was initially given the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis and treated unsuccessfully with corticosteroids. Further tests revealed that she was suffering from acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM), an immune-mediated inflammatory demyelinating condition that predominately affects the white matter of the brain and spinal cord.

Multiple sclerosis is a debilitating disease affecting the central nervous system with interference occurring in nerve impulses within the brain, spinal cord and optic nerves. The average age for a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis is 30, but in recent years the number of younger women diagnosed with the disease in Australia has risen dramatically. It used to affect men and women equally but now women are three times more likely to be affected.

Recently, I came across a young woman who was relieved to be diagnosed with MS because no-one had been able to tell her why she was unwell. Her symptoms began when she was 13 and consisted of headaches, sensory deficit affecting her leg, and fatigue resulting in her missing a lot of school.

I wondered as I listened to her story if she might be suffering a vaccine injury.  Neurological dysfunction is one of the very common adverse events of the Gardasil vaccine. Her symptoms started at 13, the age that Gardasil is given to young teens as part of the school vaccination program.

In all of this, I have to wonder just how many girls and boys are diagnosed with MS and other neurological conditions and autoimmune diseases rather than with a vaccine injury. Sometimes the correct diagnosis is eventually made as it was in the case of Naomi Snell, a 28-year-old Melbourne woman  who suffered autoimmune and neurological problems following her Gardasil vaccination. Snell was initially diagnosed with multiple sclerosis  but was later diagnosed as suffering a neurological response to the vaccine.

Vigibase, the World Health Organisation’s database of adverse events reports 36,915 nervous system disorders following Gardasil vaccination. But then each shot of Gardasil contains 225 mcgs of aluminium, a neurotoxin used as an adjuvent to stimulate a vaccine immune response. When Kristin Clulow had a mineral analysis of her hair done it showed that her body was high in aluminium.

Once in the body, injected aluminium can migrate and accumulate in the brain. Scientists at Keele University have recently discovered the way the aluminium in vaccine adjuvants travels from the site of injection to the brain.

The toxic potential of aluminum is high. This study has demonstrated that injecting alum adjuvants with vaccines results in transference to the brain, where it persists.

Such research must be continued and heeded by those in power who continue to prescribe an ever-increasing number of vaccines often laden with aluminium adjuvants needed to bring about an immune response.

As the new school year begins, Australian teenagers will be offered the latest HPV vaccine Gardasil 9 which contains even more of the aluminium adjuvant than the quadrivalent HPV vaccine Gardasil. One shot of Gardasil 9 has 500 micrograms of this known neurotoxin. Girls and boys will receive two shots of the vaccine, bringing the total amount of aluminium injected into their young bodies up to 1000mcg.

Gardasil and Gardasil 9 contain amorphous aluminium hydroxyphosphate sulphate (AAHS) a new form of aluminium which causes the immune system to become 104 times more powerfully stimulated than would occur naturally.

The adverse events in their many forms can be avoided. The HPV vaccination programs must be stopped. Our teenagers do not need HPV vaccines to prevent them from cervical cancer. Since the Australian National Cervical Screening Program began in 1991, the number of deaths from the cervical cancer have halved. There is no epidemic of the disease in western nations. In 2014, there were 223 deaths from cervical cancer in Australia and the deaths were mostly among elderly women.

And yet we have institutionalised this vaccine for every teenager.

In “FDA approved Gardasil 9: Malfeasance or Stupidity?,” Norma Erickson examined the Gardasil 9 package insert where she found that the rate of serious adverse events in the trials of Gardasil 9 was 2.3-2.5%. This means that for every 100,000 people who are given Gardasil 9, there will be 2,300 serious adverse events, and yet the cervical cancer rate in the U.S. is around 7 women per 100,000. This is insanity!

Expect to hear more research linking HPV vaccines to neurological events and autoimmune diseases. The truth will come out!

Elaborate MEDIA THEATER: CNN gun control town hall relied on “scripted questions” … 100% staged … fake news theatrics

Image: Elaborate MEDIA THEATER: CNN gun control town hall relied on “scripted questions” … 100% staged … fake news theatrics

(Natural News) Yesterday, CNN staged a fake, scripted “town hall” on the Florida shooting, and to no one’s surprise, the entire event was scripted as “elaborate media theater” to push the Left’s radical gun control agenda.

“Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student Colton Haab said he was approached by CNN to ask a question at Wednesday night’s town hall but decided not to after the network gave him a ‘scripted question,’ quashing one he wrote himself,” reports Real Clear Politics. “Haab, a member of the Junior ROTC shielded students while the school was under attack from the shooter, said he was going to ask about using veterans as armed security guards.”

“CNN had originally asked me to write a speech and questions — and it ended up being all scripted,” Haab said to a local reporter. “Though Parkland student Colton Haab is being recognized nationally as a hero, CNN opted to leave him out of Wednesday’s town-hall event on Wednesday evening — seemingly because his perspective does not fit the narrative they have been peddling,” reports The Gateway Pundit.

CNN has a long history of scripted questions, audience plants and fake news

CNN is, of course, the same discredited fake news network that routinely uses “plants” in the audience and secretly gives debate questions to Democrat candidates in advance of the debates. CNN has previously been caught staging “focus groups” to make sure participants are nearly 100% pro-Clinton, and Hillary Clinton — the darling of CNN — has been repeatedly caught using child actors to plant scripted questions.

“CNN has a long history of allowing political plants to flourish in its public forums,” warns Michelle Malkin in the New York Post:

At the cable station’s Democratic debate in Las Vegas in 2007, moderator Wolf Blitzer introduced several citizen questioners as “ordinary people, undecided voters.” But they later turned out to include a former Arkansas Democratic director of political affairs, the president of the Islamic Society of Nevada, and a far-left anti-war activist who’d been quoted in newspapers lambasting Harry Reid for his failure to pull out of Iraq.

During the push for ObamaCare, Democratic plants spread like kudzu across town hall propaganda events. At White House “citizen town halls” in 2009, Team Obama hand-picked not-so-random “random” questioners…

Stoneman Douglas High School student and Junior ROTC member Colton Haab calls out CNN Town Hall bias after they refused to approve his question.

CNN’s fake news is a REAL danger to us all

Despite the fact that CNN’s “news” is 100% scripted, staged and fake, it also poses a very real danger to society. Thanks to CNN’s programming of the gullible masses, left-wing lunatics are being successfully whipped into a mindless, deranged frenzy of hatred toward responsible, law-abiding gun owners.

CNN’s so-called “town hall” event was nothing but a “bullying show trial,” according to multiple media sources. “Tapper is being singled out for much of the criticism from those who say he remained silent as abusive personal attacks were hurled at Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch. Incredibly, Tapper also remained silent as his audience booed a rape victim,” reports Breitbart News:

At the Wednesday night spectacle, those in favor of protecting our Second Amendment civil rights were vastly outnumbered by an audience packed with hostile gun-haters and emotional questioners, including children. According to various reports, the anti-gun participants were given scripted questions crafted by CNN… Throughout the hour, the audience heckled, howled, and poured derision on Loesch and Rubio. Other than admonishing his audience for calling Loesch a “murderer,” Tapper stood by in silent approval as abuse and personal attacks rained down on his outnumbered guests.

Last night, NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch barely escaped the staged CNN town hall event with her life. “NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch said Thursday morning at CPAC that she wouldn’t have been able to exit last night’s town hall on the Parkland, Fla. school shooting if she didn’t have a security detail,” reports Real Clear Politics:

“I want to make this super obvious point,” Loesch said. “The government has proven that they cannot keep you safe. And yet, some people want all of us to disarm. You heard that town hall last night. They cheered the confiscation of firearms. And it was over 5,000 people.”

“I had to have a security detail to get out,” she said of the Sunland, Fla. event. “I wouldn’t be able to exit that if I didn’t have a private security detail. There were people rushing the stage and screaming burn her. And I came there to talk solutions and I still am going to continue that conversation on solutions as the NRA has been doing since before I was alive.”

Loesch said the people who call Trump a tyrant are the same people who want the president to confiscate weapons.

“The government can’t keep you safe and some people want us to give up our firearms and rely solely upon the protection of the same government that’s already failed us numerous times to keep us safe. And then they also call Trump a tyrant but they say they want the president to also confiscate our firearms? Try to figure that one out,” Loesch said.

To repeat, the anti-gun Left has been brainwashed with so much seething anger and rage, that a deranged liberal mob literally rushed the stage, screaming “BURN HER!”

Here’s a short video of deranged, lunatic leftists storming the stage to try to attack Dana Loesch:

CNN is not just FAKE news, but staged, theatrical mind control programming of the masses

As you absorb all this, keep in mind how CNN is the same vile, hate-fueled network that stalks elderly women in their own front yards and publicly accuses them of being Russian co-conspirators while “doxxing” them to the whole world. CNN is populated by anti-American, communist-leaning, treasonous journo-terrorists who despise liberty, the Constitution and the truth.

Make no mistake: CNN’s goal is the complete overthrow of the U.S. Republic, the nullification of the Bill of Rights and the silencing of all conservative voices. CNN actively seeks to overthrow the elected President, criminalize all gun owners and demonize Christians, conservatives and patriots. CNN is so deranged and dangerous that the network would no doubt broadcast and cheer mass beheadings of gun owners across America by Antifa terrorists.

CNN is the enemy of America. It might as well be called the “Communist News Network” or worse. What CNN is doing is nothing less than inciting violence against its political enemies. This is all by design.

There’s no question in my mind that once the coming civil war gets unleashed, CNN news offices all across the country will be named a priority for pro-America forces to occupy and control in an effort to halt CNN’s anti-America, violence-inducing propaganda broadcasts that are ripping this country apart. See the related story, “Milo Yiannopoulos tells Alex Jones: The unhinged Left has made civil war in America inevitable.”

To confirm: Yes, I am saying that CNN is the enemy of America. If CNN is allowed to continue broadcasting its malicious fake news, it will destroy this country (which is CNN’s ultimate goal, of course). Today, I call on President Trump to arrest the journo-terrorists at CNN and halt their malicious, anti-America lies that are inciting violence and transforming the Left into a mindless mob of hate-filled lunatics.


BEHIND DARK STATE! Revealed: Hollywood and US Sports Abuse Scandals

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Why waste time when so much is going on!


1. Saturn in Capricorn Banking Overhaul 2018-2020 – already here! BECOME LADA RAY PATRON and get it FREE here! It is also coming as a new Earth Shift Report in a few days (via donation)!

2. BY MULTIPLE REQUESTS! The Great Earth Shift and new SYRIA Developments (final title may differ): New Earth Shift Report coming VERY soon! There is so much happening in Syria (Russia balances and tries to de-escalate the growing fights between Syria, Turkey, Iran, Israel, Kurds, ISIL remnants and US, while…

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You can ban Russia but you can’t ban Russians! PyeongChang 2018 Olympics: My Predictions Coming 200% True

It seems all this negative publicity and attacks against Russian Olympians seem to fuel the athletes to greater heights! Lance Armstrong would be proud. 😉

Futurist Trendcast



You can ban Russia but you can’t ban Russians! PyeongChang 2018 Olympics: My Predictions Coming 200% True!

Let’s begin with the fact that my predictions as to how these Olympics will be developing for the Russian team are coming true. I said that they’ll find ways to make every Russian’s life at the Olympics hell, and they’ll find ways to announce someone was doping, to compromise and destroy any chances for redemption.

The only apt comparison I can come up for this is that of a starving and wounded gladiator, with one arm tied behind his back, trying to fight a healthy, well equipped and cunning adversary, who has the usage of both arms and a full choice of weapons.

Read previous big report, where everything is explained: Dirty Geopolitics of Olympics and Globalism – Will Russia Say NO and Start Alternative Games?

The developments – so…

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Meet the Italian government’s Orwellian new automated tax snitch

By the end of the 3rd century AD, the finances of ancient Rome were in terminal crisis.

Years and years of debasing the currency had resulted in severe hyperinflation– a period of Roman history known as the Crisis of the Third Century (from AD 235 through AD 284).

During the time of Julius Caesar, for example, the Roman silver denarius coin was nearly 98% pure silver.

Two centuries later in the mid-100s AD, the silver content had fallen to 83.5%.

And by the late 200s AD, the silver content in the denarius was just 5%.

As the money continued to be devalued, prices across the Empire skyrocketed.

Wheat, for example, rose in price by over 4,000% during the first three decades of the third century.

Rome was on the brink of collapse. And when Emperor Diocletian came to power at the end of the third century, he tried to stabilize the economy with his ill-fated Edict on Wages and Prices.

Diocletian’s infamous decree fixed the price of everything in the Empire. Food. Lumber. Salaries. Everything.

And anyone caught violating the prices set forth in his edict would be put to death.

Another one of Diocletian’s major policies was reforming the Roman tax system.

He mandated widespread census reports to determine precisely how much wealth and property each citizen had.

They counted every parcel of land, every piece of livestock, every bushel of wheat, and demanded from the population increasing amounts of tribute.

And anyone found violating this debilitating tax policy was punished with– you guessed it– the death penalty.

Needless to say, Diocletian’s reforms didn’t work.

Every high school economics student knows that wage and price controls don’t work… and that excessive taxation bankrupts the population.

But that doesn’t stop governments from trying the same tactics over and over again.

Fast forward about seventeen centuries and Italy is once again in the same boat.

The Italian government is one of the most bankrupt in the world; its debt level is an unbelievable 132% of GDP– and rising.

In other words, the Italian government’s debt is substantially larger than the value of the entire Italian economy.

It’s almost as bad as Greece, and it grows worse each year as the national government routinely runs budget deficits.

Their only solution, of course, is hiking taxes and increasing regulation… exactly the opposite of what they should be doing.

And, just like the ancient Romans, the government is on a witch hunt for anyone they think (in their sole discretion) might be dodging taxes.

They already have a system in place called the redditometro, an automated tool for the tax authorities to comb through income and expense records of Italian residents.

The algorithm finds anyone whose expenses were higher than his/her income and presumes that s/he has been evading taxes.

The irony here is pretty profound given that the Italian government itself has expenses that are higher than its income.

After all, that’s how it ended up with such a prodigious debt level.

Earlier this month, however, the Italian tax authorities rolled out a brand new tool called risparmiometro. And this one is really insidious.

Risparmiometro goes through ALL financial records– credit card transactions, bank accounts, investment accounts, etc. to determine whether or not someone has too much savings relative to his/her occuption.

Think of the implication.

Under the redditometro system, if you spend too much money, they think you’re evading taxes.

But under the risparmiometro system, if you save too much money, they think you’re evading taxes.


But it gets better.

Risparmiometro (the new tool) also looks at bank activity to see how frequently you’re using the account.

And if you’re not using the account frequently enough, the government assumes that it’s because you’re dealing in cash… and evading taxes.

I have no doubt that there’s a substantial amount of tax evasion in Italy.

I spend several weeks in the country every summer, and I see how much people and businesses are suffering.

And they’re definitely coming up with creative ways to survive.

But rather than take the necessary steps to liberate the economy, the government continues to double down on more taxes and more regulation… and then invest their remaining energy to develop new tools to spy on their citizens.

Two key points here:

1) Nearly ALL bankrupt governments invariably resort to this tactic at some point.

2) It’s also a great way to engineer a banking crisis.

Think about it– Italy’s banks are already teetering on collapse. Some have already failed, others are almost there.

If Italians know that the government is spying on every transaction they make (or don’t make), who in his/her right mind would want to keep money in an Italian bank?

Anyone with half a brain will be moving funds to Switzerland or Austria.

Italy’s banks are so fragile, though, that they won’t be able to survive if even a small percentage of their depositors flee.

So as the Italian government rolls out this new tool in the latest campaign of its tax jihad, they’re all but guaranteeing widespread bank failure.

It’s genius.