
This blog is dedicated to uniting everyone on Earth with LOVE, kindness and good cheer!



Click to Join, don’t be shy. ♥

Have fun doing what comes naturally! Anyone can have this badge. ANYONE. All you have to do is:

  1. Blog naked.
  2. Either let me know about your post in the comments or pingback to this post and the badge is yours!

Don’t forget to mention that everyone is allowed to join in. The more the merrier, come join the party. Post it loudly & proudly anywhere on your blog! 😉  ♥♥♥


To Build a Home – The Cinematic Orchestra

Rumi – Poem of the Atoms

O day, arise! The atoms are dancing
Thanks to Him the universe is dancing
The souls are dancing, overcome with ecstasy
I’ll whisper in your ear where their dance is taking them
All the atoms in the air and in the desert know well, they seem insane
Every single atom, happy or miserable
Becomes enamoured of the sun, of which nothing can be said

103 thoughts on “About

  1. Pingback: Words and the Female Mind Reprised | Underground Energy

  2. 1EarthUnited, ” . . . uniting everyone on Earth with LOVE, kindness and good cheer!” Tubularsock is for that. Now, when does it start? (just kidding) Thanks for the follow. This will be interesting.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks for stopping by my crazy unpaid blog.
    I´m quite certain that in a lot of things we will disagree, since it´s bloggers for peace and I´ve been in two wars in two different countries…… that´s to start out our friendship. But I love reading different people and I don´t know why they seem to like reading my crazy things. And in most cases I keep an open mind since in most cases it´s quite possible I can be wrong. So I figured I would read ya! And probably you´ll enlighten me on most things and the rest we´ll live it as the saying goes we agree to disagree.
    Anyways I read the cocke bottle post, and that was enlightening, something new I learned and that I found very good and interesting.

    So again, thank´s for stopping by my crazy un-paid blog and read ya soon!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Charly, like you I have my own opinions about sh*t that’s happening in this crazy world, but I do keep an open mind and like reading blogs that present other perspectives, after all, we’re all human and just want to experience life the best we can, hopefully find a bit of happiness and meaning, and try to share our understanding with others. I learned a lot by reading your blog thoughts, from a soldier’s point of view – totally understand where u’r coming from. Try not to be so hard on u’rself, u’r a good guy just trying to do the best u can, I can respect that. Hey thanks for stopping by, I’ll be reading more of your posts. Be well.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Kindness, love and good cheer, that right down my road! Love it. Thanks for visiting me so I could find you. Your picture on the top is one of my favourites! Love that stairway!


  5. Those who want to write, can do it just for themselves in private, but as soon as the words are written on paper somebody else can come to see them. When they are placed on the internet the writer should know he or she is exposing himself or herself to the whole world. It means they shall be exposing them-self, it shall mean that they have to be willing to let others dissect their most intimate of thoughts, and “undress you”.


  6. As an ex-dancer having had several incidents/accidents and being not so young any more I would hide some parts of my body, because they would perhaps offend the expected sight of beauty long gone.
    Though I do hope my inner side is still beautiful enough to show it naked, so I have nothing to hide nor do not mind just to say what I think.

    Longing for peace, perhaps going back more to my teenage years of expectations and never grown out of my hippie years I am pleased to see again a movement enrolling of peace lovers. I added you on my blog links for Bloggers For Peace. Others to be mentioned are also welcome to let me know and they are also welcome to mention my blog or put links to one of my blogs or articles.


    • Hi Marcus, our bodies are the vehicle, mileage and dents – c’est la vie. You are so right, when we bare our naked souls for all to see, that’s freedom of spirit and we’re all wiser, more beautiful for it. Who would have envisioned blogging as a unique channel of expression, to nurture peace within – to be shared around the world, consciousness expanding. ☼ Thanks for the link, I’ll do the same, have an enchanted day! ♥


  7. AnElephantCant blog naked
    That is not a pretty sight
    If he takes off his shirt
    Your eyes will soon hurt
    And the whole interwebblogthingy will get a really ghastly terrible awful mammoth fright


    • Hi Lisa, thanks for visiting my blog, I’m excited to know you better as we learn and grow together. I love the honesty and sincerity in your posts, will definitely be coming back for more! Be well. ♥
      PS: You can blog naked, I won’t tell. 😉


  8. Hi Maddy, pleased to meet you and thank you for the follow on twitter. I’m totally with you on uniting everyone on earth, I agree that it’s the mission which we should all undertake right now – we haven’t much time left! I hope we can share opinions on matters of interest, regards James 🙂


  9. Pingback: Blogging, Writing, Nakedness | She Said What?

  10. Thank you for your kind thoughts on my blog, and for the follow! I love the concept behind your blog. And, yes, I tend to bare my inner self (as much as I can) on my blog. Blogging naked though is an interest thought!


  11. You rock Maddie 🙂 Good to see you proudly displaying your naked blogger badge. I bet the world would better a better place if it were a nudier place 🙂

    All the best!



    • Hey Rohan, always a pleasure to see you! Like you said, “blogging naked increases the quality of the post by 23%!” Yes, most def! ♥ I’d like to think inspiration comes to those with fit mind, body, spirit. So get ta strippin’ guys and gals, we’re ♫blogging sexy back♫ 😉


      • Maddy…I just saw your link to your fashion week. Is that really you on the pictures? You can be honest with me…I’ll be honest with you as well. Or I can share a picture of me…if you want to. I’d like to ask you for a favor though, if you don’t mind.

        I want you to write my name :Charlie Zero on a link paper…and hold it against you and take a picture so I can know its you. If you want to its okay if you don’t. I’ll understand. The reason I say this is because you are incredibly a cool and down to earth person to talk to and have conversations. Which I like by the way.


      • LOL, still caught up in our residual self images are we, Neo? Drop by my hometown NYC, & just tweet me. I’d like to meet you someday. Keep up u’r awesome cyber-poetry. ♥


  12. Hey now–just wanted you to know, I updated all your info in my blog roll, and in the original “announcing” post–so your links should pretty much explode, now. ell oh ell, but it all helps…:) Have an awesome and relaxed rest of your day–K


      • Maddy, that is a super sweet thing to say. I guess we both know the work involved behind the “breezy” posts we create, so your SO is as motivating as it is kind.

        Your humanity and empathy is evident in everything Zenful thing you do & say, and I respect your world view enormously.

        In other words…you’re “wu wei” cool, too!


  13. To SoundEagle, your blog is a Love Supreme,

    Let’s see what you would make of mine at http://soundeagle.wordpress.com.

    From SoundEagle, Happy New Year to you!

    May you have a new dawn and an even better beginning in 2013!

    I would like to wish you a fine year in 2013, happiness and good contacts within a world in less turmoil and unsustainability if possible.

    May the new year bring you and your family plenty of love, happiness, good health, peace and harmony!

    SoundEagle hopes that you continue to do very well and find fulfillment in whatever you enjoy doing and savouring, especially through “Uniting the world, One Love at a time. :D”.


  14. Oh, this ethereal theme simply takes my breath away!! It’s a beautiful capture of heavenly kisses to earth! Your blog captures the very essence of true beauty and wonder! I just love its sweet simplicity and serenity! Continued blessings and success in all that you do 1EarthUnited! 😀


  15. I have missed your posts, Mady. Tomas said this is your new blog. Are you happy and want to maintain this blog? Or the retrieval of your previous one is still underway?

    Take care, many blessings and much love to you. 🙂

    Subhan Zein


  16. Missed you….thought I lost you, and so glad you’re here.

    I wanted to nominate your blog for an award but, I couldn’t find you.

    Thank you for leading me to Bloggers for Peace.


♥Thanks for sharing♥