Remember how UK warned its fans not to go to ‘scary’ Russia? British fans give Nazi salutes in Russia’s Volgograd (Stalingrad)

Futurist Trendcast

Disgusting moment caught on camera! How far has ‘the democratic and civilized’ UK fallen? How much lower will it still fall? That’s the country whose politicians and MSM were scaring its fans into not going to Russia ‘because Russia is so mean and people there are so frightfully aggressive.’ UK was the country that engineered the whole Skripal false flag to paint a negative image of Russia with the goal of sabotaging #Russia2018 FIFA World Cup.

Now the pendulum swings all the way back and karma becomes a real bitch, as the world sees UK for what it really is…

What’s really amazing is this: in the comment section of the video below some Brits called these provocative Nazi salutes made in the city that suffered most from WWII, ‘freedom of speech.’ And then they wonder what’s wrong with their country.

See more on that in my previous post:

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♥Thanks for sharing♥