Truth & Karma! How USA Created 20th Century Cold War & Arms Race: Russian Berlin & Manchuria Operations vs. USA’s Hiroshima/Nagasaki Atomic Bombing

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The US in the past century has been raking in that bad karma like there is no tomorrow,while payback is still to come. Speaking of the end of WWII and the nuclear bombing…

There are many layers of lies in the propaganda Nancy described in her comment, which the US was spinning at the time. I bet no one ever mentioned in US history books or MSM that in fact the Japanese army and the Japanese Empire as a whole capitulated not because of the US bombing, but because Russians, not Americans, were at the time delivering a crushing defeat to Japan’s Quantung Army. This was also known as the Manchurian Strategic Operation…

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One thought on “Truth & Karma! How USA Created 20th Century Cold War & Arms Race: Russian Berlin & Manchuria Operations vs. USA’s Hiroshima/Nagasaki Atomic Bombing

  1. For Review

    1487. Important! State of the Nation! T R E A S O N !! CROWNGATE

    1488. Thank You SOTN and AIM

    1489. Judas Iscariot

    1490. Emergency Powers?

    1491. Replies to World Leaders

    1492. “Municipal Bankruptcy” Means Municipal Bankruptcy

    1493. Authority of Executive Orders is Limited to Fictional Entities


♥Thanks for sharing♥