Help Americans get more Pandemic stimulus aid, $8K per person if this bill passes! Sign petition now!

Hi everyone, please consider signing an official White House petition to extend the stimulus program for American citizens who need more aid during these troubled times. The goal is to get enough signatures to pass this Democrat led bill crafted by Bernie Sanders, approved by Ms. Pelosi, and currently awaiting majority of Senate Republicans to pass.
100 thousand signatures will go a long way to convince these morons that they need to get on the ball and pass this bill ASAP to help the poor pay bills and put food on the table. It’s $2000/ mo. retroactive to March, $8K total for every citizen making under $100K/ year. I think it’s worth a shot. Thank you!

6 thoughts on “Help Americans get more Pandemic stimulus aid, $8K per person if this bill passes! Sign petition now!

♥Thanks for sharing♥