Breaking! Maidan 2 Storms Poroshenko’s Administration in Kiev

Futurist Trendcast

Details are scant, but a few days ago various ukro-nazi battalions gathered in Kiev demanding a bigger and better war against Donbass, with more war expenditure, bigger help from the US and NATO, and more ballistic missile bombings of the citizens of Donetsk (DNR) and Lugansk (LNR). Today, it appears the members of the same ukro-nazi battalions and their sympathisers are storming the administration of the Ukraine president Poroshenko, who according to them, has been too mild towards Donbass and too friendly to Russia. Most others would say it were the other way around, but that’s their point of view.

Here is a link to the raw video from News-Front. Another video – latest. Keep in mind it can be deleted any moment, as it happened to so many other inconvenient videos.

It has to be noted that this revolt so far is very mild compared to the 2014 Kiev…

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♥Thanks for sharing♥