Syria Op: How REB and RYCHAG Keep Enemy Blind and Deaf; New Intel on Caspian Missile Launch

Futurist Trendcast

Syria Op: How REB and RYCHAG keep enemy blind and deaf

REB (Rus: Radio Electronnaya Bor’ba) means ‘Radio Electronic Defence.’ This is a complex of advanced systems that renders targeted weapons useless and spying equipment deaf and blind in the radius of 70-200 and more kilometers, depending on application. RYCHAG is one of the REB-related systems, translated as Lever.

My VIDEO ESR 4. ALIEN TECHNOLOGY & NEW RUSSIAN WEAPONS talks about REB, RYCHAG and many other peerless and one-of-a-kind Russian systems. I wrote that Russians started slowly unveiling their advanced defence projects and weapons as a warning: stop stepping on our toes! As usual, what we are allowed to glimpse is only the tip of the iceberg, as is explained in ESR4.

I wrote in ESR4 that the Russian military had boasted that in a conflict that took place several years ago Russian air force didn’t lose a single jet…

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