Evil Empire Strikes Back: US Congress Funds New Anti-Russia Channel “Current Time” – Lada’s Take!

Dark state trying to beat the same old war drums, but not gonna work this time around. Putin got this!

Futurist Trendcast

Behind Dark State – Lada’s Take!

Evil Empire Strikes Back: US Congress Funds New Anti-Russia Channel “Current Time”

Based on the old Cold War anti-Russian Radio Liberty and Radio Free Europe, it is also called ‘The Prague Guantanamo” for being the most secretive and autocratic TV channel in the world, where being a snitch is highly encouraged and people get fired for having their own opinion. Meanwhile, programming is so daft and boring that no one wants to watch it.

There is an opinion that this is yet another US government’s money laundering scheme, making some in the US establishment very rich, at the US taxpayers’ expense.

Meanwhile Ukraine is proposing to transfer the headquarters from Prague to Kiev. The US should go for it! It’ll be a lot cheaper and they’ll have oodles of Russian-speaking ukro-nazis to recruit. Also, someone has to continue feeding the greedy Ukraine junta oligarchs…

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♥Thanks for sharing♥