Mission Fail! Russian ‘Black Holes’ chase UK’s pride, SSN Astute Sub away from Syria, prevent Tomahawk launch

Futurist Trendcast

Mission NOT accomplished! It was just the opposite of the official statements of the UK government, and hardly a ‘brilliantly executed op.’

Vesti: ‘They failed to fulfill the orders,’ The Times wrote about the UK Navy’s Astute submarine crew. They were supposed to launch cruise missiles at Syria from the eastern Mediterranean, but they failed to do it. All because they were ‘locked in a “cat-and-mouse” pursuit by Russian submarines and warships.’ They write about it like it’s a hunt, where the UK submarines kept escaping, and the Russian ones kept following them. This doesn’t go with London’s statements about the brilliantly executed operation. We do have some fascinating details. The British had prepared for this attack for days, they were sure that their NPSs couldn’t be detected. However, they failed to even enter the assigned location for the Tomahawk launch because they didn’t detect Russian presence in that same…

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