Criminal Conspiracy? QUI BONO? Suspicious Terrorist Act in Kerch, Crimea, with mass casualties

Futurist Trendcast

Per latest I’ve heard, the death toll has climbed to 21 at the site of the tragedy of the Kerch Polytechical College. This is a very suspicious act, which at the very least begs a lot of questions. It’s very hard to imagine that a sole 18-year-old madman could execute a successful act of such magnitude. How he was helped and by whom, that’s a different question… Russian police also has expressed a doubt this could possibly be an act of a sole madman.

There seems to be a shadow of those who are very experienced and determined to cause harm to Russia, seen behind him.

This is an all out war against Russia the Great Balancer, as she continues trying to shift the world to a more equitable state as part of the Earth Shift.

I also want to remind everyone about this diabolic, yet symbolic, coincidence! The…

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