How PUTIN views gay people and gay issue? ~COMPLETE MULTIDIMENSIONAL TRUTH!

Great post, addresses the underlying issue created by the cabal to keep the sheeple divide and fighting amongst themselves. Free our minds, live in peace. ❤

Futurist Trendcast

This is one of the questions submitted for the INVERTED COLLAPSE – 3-WEBINAR SERIES!

And it is simultaneously a new Ask Lada episode!


I wanted to ask you a question.  I was wanting to ask you about your thoughts on Putin’s views on gay people.
Thanks, J

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Frankly, I never intended to talk about this, as this is NOT one of my CORE subjects. However, I get such questions more often than I’d like. Therefore, even though you wanted it answered privately, after a consideration, I have decided to set the record straight once and for all publicly, and I trust this answer will put this issue to REST FOREVER. I do not intend to get back to it in the future! 

Me personally — I feel strongly that the gay issue should be a complete non-issue, an entirely private matter. We, as humans, should…

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♥Thanks for sharing♥