The Russian Ruble Drop

Good assessment, there’s alot of manipulation behind the scenes of this currency war. WWIII is a 4D battlefield of mind and will. Love the PCR report, so true! Make no mistake this is an economic war against Russia, and the SWIFT credit system is part of the US monetary arsenal. Good to see that Russia is getting the kick in the pants to jumpstart their leadership role of maintaining balance in the world.

Futurist Trendcast

These are my preliminary notes on the Russian ruble drop, since many people have asked me to address this developing situation. I am also getting questions regarding the oil price drop, OPEC actions and US involvement. I will either do a couple of articles, or possibly a donation-based Earth Shift Report on these topics, as they seem to be on everyone’s minds. Below are some of my preview thoughts on the subject of the Russian ruble drop.

Referenced is the latest Dr. Paul Craig Roberts’ (PCR) interview with Greg Hunter’s USA Watchdog. Here is the complete interview: Paul Craig Roberts-US Government Most Corrupt on Earth. Quote: “No need for economics if US can rig everything.” I understood this 10 years ago, when I left my financial consultant position at Smith Barney/Citigroup.

PCR is discussing the ruble drop from his standpoint as top American economist and former U.S. Asst. Treasury Secretary…

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♥Thanks for sharing♥