Slippery Road to WWIII! Moldavian Deputies Try to Block US Tanks From Entering Moldova

Futurist Trendcast

This is breaking news! On this TODAY’S video, made at the Romania – Moldova border, you can see Moldavian parliament deputies / members of Igor Dodon’s Party of Socialists trying to block US tanks and armed vehicles from entering Moldova. The delay was only temporary and all that stuff did roll into the country. So far a total of 58 US tanks and other military vehicles entered Moldavia from several border points.

Dear Americans!

Please take a look at who’s manning these vehicles – as you well see, these are your co-citizens! What business do they have thousands of miles away from your country, meddling in another country’s affairs, which most of you will never be able to find on the map??!

I’ll add to it that the country in question borders strategic Russian-protected territories. In Moldavia itself at least half of the population is Russian-speaking. Now, tell me: why are…

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