St.Petersburg Metro Bombing Tribute: Heroes and Grace Under Fire

Thanks for piecing the whole puzzle, now we know why Churkin had to die, a well orchestrated attack.

Futurist Trendcast


Grace and Humanity under fire

The terrorist act in St. Petersburg Metro reportedly took 14 lives and injured a large number of people.

The bombed train Driver 1st Class Alexandr Kaverin (Машинист петербургского метро Александр Каверин) received much praise and became an instant celebrity after he reacted correctly and quickly in the face of danger. He managed to take the train out of the tunnel filled with smoke and drive it to the next station. Per reports, his actions saved many lives.

Also received commendations and state awards: Metro inspector who discovered the second bomb at another station Ploszhad Vostania  «Площадь Восстания». The second bomb was found in the fire extinguisher at that station. Due to the inspector’s quick actions it never went off. Another award was given to the station manager on duty, who prevented panic and organized the orderly evacuation of passengers.

Account of the event by salt-of-the-earth…

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♥Thanks for sharing♥