Breaking! Russian Economy Minister Alexey Ulyukaev Arrested for Corruption

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Futurist Trendcast

I have to interrupt the regularly scheduled posts I promised you all yesterday for this huge breaking news. Russian Minister of Economic Development Alexey Ulyukaev has been detained earlier today in Russia. He was caught red-handed while accepting a bribe. In Russian Criminal Code a bribe ‘received in an especially large amount’ carries a much stricter punishment. (Alexey Ulyukaev – Wikipedia)

According to the Russian news, Putin knew about this sting operation from the start. The police advised Putin of Ulyukaev’s detention. Following that, Putin discussed the situation with the head of the government, PM Dmitry Medvedev.

Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov confirmed that Putin was informed from the start of the operation and that the allegations are very serious. Either way, Ulyukaev’s guilt will be decided by court.


From Rossia24: Ulyukaev caught red-handed while receiving a bribe of $2 million. He was under surveillance for a year

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