Popular Kitchen Remedy Puts Antibiotic To Shame, Research Reveals

How can man possibly top mother nature? It’s great that we are rediscovering traditional remedies that work with no side effects.
Honey lemon tea with a dash of apple cider vinegar, all organic, have helped me to stave off sore throat, winter colds and flu since I was a kid, thanks mom!


Popular Kitchen Remedy Puts Antibiotic To Shame, Research Reveals

Source: GreenMedInfo.com
Sayer Ji
November 10, 2016

Fighting infection with conventional antibiotics is becoming a hopeless affair. The CDC recently warned these drugs are useless in combatting deadly “super germs.” So what can one do? Your kitchen holds the key.

Every day in this country, all day long, patients and doctors reach for conventional antibiotics when opportunistic infections present themselves. The fact that most infections are self-limiting (the body has an immune system, we often forget), and that antibacterial antibiotics are often administered for viral infections, against which they are useless and even infection-promoting, is rarely if ever acknowledged. There is also the problem that antibiotics themselves drive the growth of antibiotic resistant subpopulations of bacteria, effectively creating “super germs” in the process. This effect can adversely alter the microbial substrate for our health for months, years, and perhaps for our entire lifetime (and our progeny’s lifetimes).

The good news…

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